A Second Hello
Ack, I don't really think my first message explained everything, especially since it's overlapped by my fic. :P So, here I go again in an effort to keep at least some semblance of organization.

Hi, my name is Abby. I prefer to be called Auron, Ashton, FF, SWC, or Tracyn. I know, long list, right? :P I finally figured out how to post new templates on teh blog, and the one I'm using now is my favorite. ^^ Blogger's been real awesome so far, and I think the only complication is me actually writing on my mind and then directing people to the blog. XD

I've taken Karate for five years, and I'm almost to my black belt. I hope to get it by December or so. My Karate teacher, Ms Hetchka, wants me to move on quickly because we might be moving a bit further down south. three HOURS away from my house. *dies* Karate's been awesome so far, I really love it. I'm the only girl there, though, so sometimes there's a bit too many 'dumb blonde' jokes or other things when I screw something up. (for the record, I'm not that blonde anymore. It's gone darker, thank-you-very-much!)

And the most exciting thing happened two days ago: I PASSED OUT! :D It was a bit scary at first, because I'd never done it before, but in hindsight it's really awesome. The only other blackbelt, Michael, is only two years older than I am, with a mouth like you wouldn't believe. He also likes going hard on me after I mocked him about being too scared to hit a girl (which is true, BTW. I don't think I count as a girl in his books anymore.) So he's doing a combination on me, putting me in a chokehold. It's really tight, but I can still breath a little it, but I don't because I'm afraid he'll go tighter if I do. The last thing I hear is Michael saying: "Let's wait until she has to breath again." Last thing I see is my face in the mirrors. I have no idea I'm about to pass out, but I think something's wrong when my face is completely white.

You know in dreams where you're really really disoriented and can't tell where the hell you are? Can't even remember how you got there? That's what it felt like when I came to. Nobody even noticed what happened, which was the scariest part, I think. Michael and my best friend Jake have my arm and they're trying to pull me up. My brain was real sluggish and slow to respond, and it all just looked like a slow-moving dream to me. I can hear them laughing, and then part of me remembers' hey, wasn't I in Karate a few seconds ago?' Then I realize that I'd better get up, and I do. Ms Hetchka is watching me from the sides. I'm asking Michael "What happened? What'd you do to me?" and he says he did 15 combination. And then I realized that I passed out, and THEN it got real scary. If you haven't passed out before, it feels like you're waking up from a deep, deep sleep. Something I haven't had since I was in 2nd grade. :P The only people who know now are Jake, my dad, another adult in the class, and my cousin Ian.

I didn't mean to go on and on about that. Sorries! But it was pretty fun afterwords. XD. I'd like to think of it as 'writing experiance.' At least now I can't screw up when I write about the main character blacking out.

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posted by Ashton @ 11:03 AM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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