Photoshop Sigs 01

I love my little Photoshop, and experimenting with it is awesome. I used a few pointers from the website www.pixel2life.com , and I think these are the best sigs I've ever made... so far. XD. I'm really getting back into photo-retouching and special effects. :D SO, without further preamble(and before my power goes out again) I present thee my latest sigs! --In answer to the question going around in your mind, yes, I am hyper today.

(EDIT: Ack, okay, the images should be on the top, now. I don't know how to make them go to the bottom. It won't let me copy/paste. Sorries if you can't see them.)

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posted by Ashton @ 4:16 PM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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