Random Drabblings
Me, Sarah, and HK joined up at a new forum called OffTopicz, and it’s actually pretty awesome. I signed up as AuronKae (as usual) but Sarah picked a weird name she never used before: Donnajoe. Now, I was expecting something like Crystal or Walruseater, and when I first saw it I thought it was a lady off of a Golden Girls TV episode (Sarah Is OBSESSED with them. O_o). I guess not, but oh well. >.>

HK’s trying to think up of a username right now. Hope he doesn’t strain himself… :P I mean, c’mon, this name, you’ll have for the rest of your LIFE! :P

In other news, Breaking Dawn came out two days ago! I can’t wait to get it. I was an idiot and tried looking up spoilers for it on Google, and I saw one on YahooAnswers about Bella and Edward having a kid. I REALLY hope that’s not true, because I heard vamps can’t have kids, because everything’s sort of frozen. >.> (So that technically means, if Bella was turned into a vampire when she was pregnant… the baby’s gonna stay there, and you can’t get it out. :P Imagine, pregnant for all eternity. O_o)

I revised my storyline for my fic, now I just have to revise it a few more times to make it more believeable and life-like. Then I’ll work on a chapter layout and finish Chapter 2. :)

I made my hair wavey last night. ^^ I got out of the shower, let it air dry but made sure it was still a bit damp, put some styling gel in it and just took a few strands and twisted them up tight really close to my head. Then I used hairspray. :D I took the bands out of my hair this morning and there were little ringlets around my face. Then I brushed it and ta-dah! Awesome looking hair! :D I even had a few hair pins left from Halloween I’m using to keep the side-ponytail in place and no hair sticking out. *dances*

I was watching Comedy Central last night, the Root of All Evil, and it was Ultimate Fighting vs. Blogging. Guess which one won. XD

Anyways, I’m going to go drown myself in the new forums… might get something to eat, too. My mom got some Spaghetti-O’s at the store this morning. I haven’t had those since I was five and still saying ‘Sketti-O’s.’ :P I wonder if they’re just as good.

Cya all around!

PS: While I was typing this, HK chose a new name: CrazyFanWriter. A BIG change from somebody who’s used hk47fan for the last two-and-a-half years. O_o
posted by Ashton @ 1:48 PM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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