Some people are just jerks
I’m really angry right now.

A friend somebody I’ve known years, has just become the most immature, idiot person I could ever imagine. Let’s call her ‘Jane.’ Jane decides one day, that after not talking to me for months, that she’s going to come back and tell me that her brother is in JAIL. Now, of course I’m worried. For him, and for her family. She played up real good on it, too. After a while, she got real snippy with me, said it was my fault. I had no life. And for once, I couldn’t disagree. I mean, it’s true, right? So she keeps arguing at me for every little misfortune that happens to her family, and she drops out of contact all together. Finally, I get worried again. No, not angry. Worried. (I’m an IDIOT.) She won’t answer my emails, and when she does she calls me names and such. At first I thought I’d just be her verbal punching bag for a while, so she could let it all out, but after I while things got to me.

So, one day at Grandparent’s house I’m on the computer talking to friends. I was real hyper about the new Batman movie, and my friend Sarah contacts me. So, finally, I tell her what’s happened. Then, a few days later I send Jane another email at Sarah’s urging. While I’m waiting for a reply, I’m trying to warn everybody to be on the watch because part of me thinks Jane’s mad enough to hack into my account or something. So I talk to HK, and I won’t tell him what’s wrong, so, naturally, he gets mad. Should I have seen it coming? Probably.

Then, I get another email. It’s Jane, being all mean and snotty. I had had enough that night and signed off, telling Sarah to tell HK if she wanted to. So when I got on in the morning, HK apologized, which was sweet of him. Then Sarah sends Jane and email a few days later and they get this communication going back and forth between them. Then Jane asks Sarah not to tell me anything, and she’ll say why she’s really mad at me. Sarah promised not to, and I just about died with frustration trying to get something out of HK, but she didn’t tell him anything, either.

Now, let’s go back for a moment. Once upon a time, I was being a dumb blonde and managed to burn my wrist on the stove trying to get the tea pot off. It was white and glossy and hurt like hell. I show up to school, and Jane MAKES me show her my wrist, and she’s convinced I tried to cut myself with my bookcase! WTF? Anyways, I thought I managed to talk her out of the silly notion. And then, me and my friend Kaleigh go into the woods ALL the time, and there’s lots of thorns and everything. So I show up to Karate one day, she see these black marks over my hands and arms, it’s because I fell onto a thorn bush. How? I was climbing a tree! And she is CONVINCED, yet again, that I slit my wrists with razors. I thought I had talked her out of that notion, too. Ignorance is bliss, right?

So she and Sarah talk on Messenger, and she says she’s ‘worried for me’ and that she ‘blames them’ for me being ‘depressed.’ Then, either to prove her point or do something else, she tells them I tried slitting my wrists. First of all, I AM NOT DEPRESSED. Second: WTF??? HK enlightens me to this little aspect of the conversation, and I’m ready to strangle the hell out of all three of them, including Sarah and HK because they’re the nearest people I can see.

I can’t believe that they’d think that for even a moment! Oh, and get this, I’m not supposed to tell Jane I know, now. I am just so angry right now at all of them, especially her. Usually, I’m the mature one, but I never want to see her face again.

Too bad I go to the same school with her.

And with my luck? She’ll probably be in all of my classes.
posted by Ashton @ 8:44 PM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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