Movies. :)
So I went to the movies with a friend and his brother today. This was about the third time I’ve seen Batman: The Dark Knight, and I think it was even better the third time ‘round. The only thing I regret was bringing Dawson’s little brother, Dillon, to the movie. He’s 10 years old and acts like a 6 year old. Honestly, the Joker scared the crap outta him. He went to the bathroom when he thought scary parts were coming up, and he’d stay in there for about 5 minutes. Then he decides to state the obvious all the time, like “Hey, Abby! He just blew up the wall!” and he wasn’t really that observant. I’m sure the people all the way in the back could hear me and Dawson struggling to keep him quiet. *rolls eyes* Then we went to dinner at the local pizza place, and it was alright. :)

The power went out in the middle of the movie, which was actually pretty awesome. Dawson scared the crap out of me by taking out his cellphone in the dark and putting it right in front of my eyes. >.>

Not much else happened today, except that ‘Jane’ contacted me today and acted like a (forgive my language) bitch. She let one of her little friends get on her MSN and talk to me. I stopped responding after a few minutes, and it took a few minutes longer for the girl to stop cussing at me. What did I ever do to her?

That’s all for today, I guess. :)


posted by Ashton @ 10:31 PM  
  • At August 8, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry to hear about that... some people are just bitches and unfortunately there's nothing you can do :(

    I'm glad you had fun at the movies though. I've got to see Dark Knight sometime :)

    Anyway please keep posting. I am totally enjoying reading your entries. And if "Jane" doesn't cut it out and realize what a good person you are just the way you are, she's not only a bitch, she's a big baby >.>

  • At August 10, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Blogger Ashton said…

    Thanks. :)

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Name: Ashton
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