Middle School, Day 1
School… wow, how do I start? I got up this morning before John called for me, took my shower, and spent about ten minutes trying to get my makeup ready—more than the norm. Got dressed in my vunderful flannel jacket and went off. When we got there, I thought my friends Dawson and Elise would meet me there at the front gates, but they didn’t. *cries* I found Dawson somewhere, and we went to go look for our homeroom roster, and EVERYBODY was crowding it, which sucked for me. Another friend saw me, told me I have (yay!) 1st period History. *dances*

So, we get to History class, and its’ me, Gaby, Hannah, Katy, and Brittany all in one class! Yay! They’re basically some of my best friends in the school, and we all sat together in the front row, talking and gossiping. Then my teacher, Mr. H, calls out attendance and says that, basically, some of the students don’t have immunization records (dumbed down, we got the shots but the front office don’t know about it.) and that we have to go to the cafeteria. So, of course, I’m sorta nervous because I’ve never had shots for religious purposes, and of course I don’t want that to get out, and they’re all talking about how it’s a FL law and some such crap.

So, me and the others’ go to Cafeteria. I sit down with some friends from two years ago, joke around with ‘em, and then the assistant principle tells us all that we can’t go back to class until they have proof we had our shots, and that we’ll have to call home and be picked up to take th shot. Well, some kids are clapping at their wonderful luck, but I’m scared about what my MOM would say. So, I call my dad, but we don’t have very good service and everybody’s yelling in my ear, and so I have to scream just so he can hear, which of course, he CAN’T. So basically all he can figure out is that I need picked up, but he don’t know why. So he comes in, and tells me to go to class because he just talked to the Front Office and they pulled up my papers from my file saying I’m exempt for it.

Now, by this time, It’s already 5th period. (we were running on a different schedule than normal: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 4th) So I go to Band, do the work in there, go to 6th, which is Comprehensive Science with my old basketball coach. I swear, all the bad kids were in her class. *cries* Then to 4th period language arts with Ms LA, and DAMN she is strict. Though, I don’t see why she shouldn’t be: she’s got the baddies in her class, too! We had lunch, went back to class, got all our stupid papers and our planners, and then we went home.

All in all… it was an okay day, and I hope it’s even better tomorrow.

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posted by Ashton @ 2:12 PM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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