8.31.2008 |
O.O convo |
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RJ says: (7:56:30 PM) www.joinfear.com Auron says: (7:56:45 PM) www.nowayinhell.com Auron says: (7:56:52 PM) XD RJ says: (7:57:26 PM) XD RJ says: (7:57:38 PM) www.yousuck.com Auron says: (7:58:27 PM) www.joinmyotheradmirers.com Auron says: (7:58:36 PM) ^^ Auron says: (7:58:36 PM) :P RJ says: (7:58:44 PM) Sorry, 'www.joinmyotheradmirers.com' does not exist or is not available. RJ says: (7:58:55 PM) ^^ Auron says: (7:59:01 PM) Bassically, yup Auron says: (7:59:02 PM) :P RJ says: (7:59:07 PM) lol RJ says: (7:59:10 PM) :p RJ says: (7:59:13 PM) How're you? RJ says: (7:59:14 PM) XD Auron says: (7:59:40 PM) Alright, I guess. How's it on your end? RJ says: (8:00:50 PM) Good RJ says: (8:01:00 PM) www.hkisdead.com RJ says: (8:01:02 PM) XD Auron says: (8:01:12 PM) Oh, crap, I didn't even know he was here RJ says: (8:01:19 PM) lmao Auron says: (8:01:21 PM) I really gotta get out of the unobservant habit Auron says: (8:01:26 PM) >.> RJ says: (8:01:33 PM) <.< Auron says: (8:01:50 PM) My hair died! Auron says: (8:01:52 PM) http://the-ash-tree.blogspot.com/ Auron says: (8:01:53 PM) XD RJ says: (8:01:59 PM) LOL RJ says: (8:03:07 PM) *skips pic and reads wall o' txt RJ says: (8:03:08 PM) * RJ says: (8:03:10 PM) XD RJ says: (8:03:32 PM) almost 13 my ass RJ says: (8:03:41 PM) you look 20 there RJ says: (8:03:43 PM) <_< RJ says: (8:03:45 PM) or close RJ says: (8:03:47 PM) 18 RJ says: (8:03:49 PM) 17 RJ says: (8:03:50 PM) 19 RJ says: (8:03:53 PM) 21 RJ says: (8:03:54 PM) 16 RJ says: (8:03:59 PM) but not 12 RJ says: (8:04:00 PM) XD Auron says: (8:04:16 PM) *facepalm* RJ says: (8:04:31 PM) Don't you facepalm mew RJ says: (8:04:33 PM) me* RJ says: (8:04:34 PM) XD RJ says: (8:04:37 PM) typos ftw Auron says: (8:04:46 PM) Maybe it's just the angle. Omega thought I looked older in my back-to-school pic, too HK says: (8:05:08 PM) Hi everyone Auron says: (8:05:11 PM) hey HK says: (8:05:26 PM) Oooooh at the picture, you DO look older RJ says: (8:05:30 PM) A LESBIAN ABBY? RJ says: (8:05:32 PM) XD RJ says: (8:05:34 PM) LOL Auron says: (8:05:38 PM) XD Auron says: (8:05:52 PM) It was something to pick up Sarah's spirits. >.> RJ says: (8:05:56 PM) rofl Auron says: (8:06:27 PM) I have never blushed before in my life, but I think I did a bit duriong the convo... >.> RJ says: (8:07:00 PM) XD RJ says: (8:07:23 PM) Seriously, if I saw that I'd be like O_o RJ says: (8:07:25 PM) XD Auron says: (8:07:36 PM) Yes, RJ, I'm secretly bisexual Auron says: (8:07:40 PM) J/K RJ says: (8:07:49 PM) Ok, you got me for all of 2 seconds RJ says: (8:07:50 PM) XD Auron says: (8:07:53 PM) XD RJ says: (8:08:16 PM) I think you been listening to too many songs RJ says: (8:08:18 PM) =P Auron says: (8:08:42 PM) I kissed a girl, and I liked it! (taste of her cherry chapstick) I kissed a girl and I liked it! I liked it! Auron says: (8:08:53 PM) ^Kate Perry. Yuck Auron says: (8:08:57 PM) *shudders* Auron says: (8:09:00 PM) I woke up to that song Auron says: (8:09:03 PM) *shudders* HK says: (8:10:00 PM) LOL HK says: (8:10:01 PM) :P Auron says: (8:16:01 PM) http://auron-kae.livejournal.com/ Auron says: (8:16:04 PM) Read 2nd entry Auron says: (8:20:53 PM) DNR responded to it when Sarah posted it on her LJ: He asked what he just read RJ says: (8:24:57 PM) wtf is going on in the Taj Mahal RJ says: (8:24:59 PM) XD RJ says: (8:25:04 PM) I mean seriously RJ says: (8:25:06 PM) XD RJ says: (8:25:17 PM) HK, you never tell me about these entertaining convos RJ says: (8:25:20 PM) -_- HK says: (8:25:29 PM) LOL HK says: (8:25:31 PM) Welll HK says: (8:25:32 PM) That one is HK says: (8:25:37 PM) Almost TOO interesting to explain HK says: (8:25:37 PM) :P RJ says: (8:25:40 PM) =P RJ says: (8:27:54 PM) Ok RJ says: (8:28:15 PM) that was the most fucked up thing I've ever read RJ says: (8:28:16 PM) but it was awesome Auron says: (8:28:19 PM) XD RJ says: (8:28:19 PM) so thats ok RJ says: (8:28:19 PM) XD Auron says: (8:28:53 PM) You know, Sarah contacted me in a private convo and asked if this was serious or if we were pulling her leg. :P RJ says: (8:29:02 PM) rofl Auron says: (8:29:31 PM) RJ! Are YOU a beleiver of GW still alive? RJ says: (8:29:38 PM) No RJ says: (8:29:41 PM) =P Auron says: (8:29:56 PM) *GASP* Auron says: (8:30:00 PM) *kills RJ* Auron says: (8:30:07 PM) He must never let the others know RJ says: (8:30:07 PM) Well, actually, it is a - *dies* Auron says: (8:30:28 PM) *checks the body* I think he's dead, HK Auron says: (8:30:37 PM) Should I get a second opinion? Auron says: (8:30:40 PM) :P RJ's Ghost says: (8:30:42 PM) Yes RJ's Ghost says: (8:30:45 PM) I'm dead RJ's Ghost says: (8:30:48 PM) -_- Auron says: (8:30:49 PM) Okay Auron says: (8:30:52 PM) Yay Auron says: (8:31:01 PM) *sets up a seance* Auron says: (8:31:10 PM) *mumbles* RJ's Ghost says: (8:31:14 PM) I was gonna say it was a convincing arguement and I could be persuaded to your side RJ's Ghost says: (8:31:19 PM) but you killed me RJ's Ghost says: (8:31:20 PM) =/ HK says: (8:31:27 PM) Oh you're not dead Auron says: (8:31:29 PM) *sends RJ's Ghost to Heaven on Earth Massage Parlor* HK says: (8:31:29 PM) Just frozen Auron says: (8:31:42 PM) Aw Auron says: (8:31:44 PM) :( Auron says: (8:31:48 PM) *pouts* Auron says: (8:31:53 PM) So where should we bury him? HK says: (8:32:18 PM) Wherever Auron says: (8:32:20 PM) *thinks* Auron says: (8:32:35 PM) *throws RJ's pod into toxic waste dump* Auron says: (8:33:26 PM) Melted Flesh now... Auron says: (8:34:06 PM) HK, up for some RPing? Melted Flesh says: (8:34:27 PM) Dangling above a vat of putrid muck A rancid stench of foul decay never encountered before Screaming in horror for i now remember my fate I will be submerged in boiling flesh This cauldron will soon take my life
HK says: (8:34:32 PM) Eh sure Melted Flesh says: (8:34:53 PM) To struggle is useless
Plunge Fatal Paradise Of the obscene
Enter the tank It doesn't take long Epidermis dissolved All that's left are my bones It's a matter of seconds when defleshed in flesh My body now part of sick mire This chamber of liquefied humans that i have amassed is completed because i was last in line Auron says: (8:35:51 PM) RJ, you listen to creepy music Auron says: (8:35:59 PM) HK, youd on't have to RP if you don't want to HK says: (8:36:59 PM) Oh believe me we can, I'm just...not sure what to post for the hang-overed Naos now:P Auron says: (8:37:57 PM) Stupification XD RJ says: (8:38:12 PM) XD RJ says: (8:38:24 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Hv0tsvpyU Auron says: (8:39:30 PM) hair's too long Auron says: (8:40:35 PM) And it's the same color as mine... Auron says: (8:40:38 PM) disturbing RJ says: (8:41:05 PM) Nah, it looks that way because of the light Auron says: (8:41:09 PM) :P RJ says: (8:41:10 PM) its dark brown, last I saw Auron says: (8:41:36 PM) Yay, it's over RJ says: (8:41:40 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFnIJZyBhi0&feature=related Auron says: (8:41:44 PM) *cries* Auron says: (8:43:11 PM) That thing with the hair gets annoying RJ says: (8:43:19 PM) Heandbanging RJ says: (8:43:22 PM) head* RJ says: (8:43:24 PM) XD Auron says: (8:44:47 PM) I'l listening to a band called Paramore... Kylie told me I looked a bit like the lead singer, just minus the freaky hair RJ says: (8:44:59 PM) I've heard of them RJ says: (8:45:20 PM) Believe it or not Auron says: (8:45:28 PM) sWow Auron says: (8:45:29 PM) :P RJ says: (8:45:31 PM) but the singer for Cannibal Corpse plays WoW RJ says: (8:45:39 PM) XD Auron says: (8:46:04 PM) *facepalm* RJ says: (8:46:12 PM) XD RJ says: (8:46:29 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWF6g68yvrE&feature=related Auron says: (8:46:36 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCyGvGEtOwc&feature=related RJ says: (8:47:02 PM) My browser quit RJ says: (8:47:04 PM) -_- Auron says: (8:47:42 PM) -.- Auron says: (8:48:28 PM) I saw this version first: Auron says: (8:48:31 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiR838VOCrA&feature=related Auron says: (8:48:41 PM) That's the one Ky linked me to RJ says: (8:48:56 PM) lol RJ says: (8:49:22 PM) O-o RJ says: (8:49:35 PM) what the Auron says: (8:49:47 PM) what? :P RJ says: (8:49:49 PM) thats horrible Auron says: (8:49:50 PM) no growling? Auron says: (8:49:51 PM) :P Auron says: (8:49:53 PM) LOL Auron says: (8:50:05 PM) Acoustic sucks RJ says: (8:50:13 PM) omg totally Auron says: (8:50:28 PM) :P Auron says: (8:50:41 PM) I didn't think you'd like 'em Auron says: (8:51:18 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiR838VOCrA&feature=related Auron says: (8:51:27 PM) That's one I don't think Hk should listen to RJ says: (8:51:31 PM) again? Auron says: (8:51:36 PM) I sorta like it, for the mentality thing Auron says: (8:51:41 PM) Flyleaf RJ says: (8:51:48 PM) thats not flyleaf RJ says: (8:51:50 PM) lol Auron says: (8:52:00 PM) whoops, it didn't copy Auron says: (8:52:02 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCMvQrp8zoI&feature=related RJ says: (8:52:43 PM) O_o HK says: (8:52:45 PM) brb Auron says: (8:52:47 PM) k RJ says: (8:52:49 PM) thats WORSE RJ says: (8:53:01 PM) did she just "scream" RJ says: (8:53:05 PM) O_o Auron says: (8:53:22 PM) Yus Auron says: (8:53:23 PM) XD Auron says: (8:53:32 PM) That would be screaming RJ says: (8:54:04 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNssp1UVIII Auron says: (8:54:59 PM) Nice guitar Auron says: (8:55:01 PM) :P RJ says: (8:55:07 PM) :p RJ says: (8:58:17 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar_xHy8dX-E Auron says: (9:05:07 PM) (I'm gonna drag him onto MSN today...) RJ says: (9:05:07 PM) :p Auron says: (9:05:10 PM) Nah, I'm good RJ says: (9:05:13 PM) XD HK says: (9:05:23 PM) As long as you don't drag Looney Allison onto MSN HK says: (9:05:24 PM) :P Auron says: (9:05:26 PM) I'm glad he's got his blackbelt. Happy for him. Mine's not far away, and I can wait Auron says: (9:05:31 PM) OMG ALLISON Auron says: (9:05:36 PM) Nah, too young Auron says: (9:05:41 PM) learning to read HK says: (9:05:46 PM) I'll speak to any of your cousins but her HK says: (9:05:46 PM) :P Auron says: (9:05:51 PM) :P RJ says: (9:05:55 PM) Lol RJ says: (9:06:12 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y69fZ5GdDxI RJ says: (9:06:24 PM) Theres Mike Akerfeldt, no growls RJ says: (9:06:27 PM) XD HK says: (9:06:29 PM) I mean I know there are some brats out there(like my sisters for example:P) but Allison's meltdown scared me a bit >.>:P Auron says: (9:06:37 PM) Allison and Lea RJ says: (9:06:41 PM) lol Auron says: (9:06:49 PM) Wait, which meltdown are you talking about? RJ says: (9:06:56 PM) Sometimes I am happy to be an only child RJ says: (9:06:58 PM) XD HK says: (9:07:00 PM) The store one RJ says: (9:07:04 PM) Actually, all the time Auron says: (9:07:06 PM) ahhh :P HK says: (9:07:14 PM) LOL believe me RJ, and you too Abby, being an only child is good RJ says: (9:07:22 PM) I don't have to share my stuff Grrr Auron says: (9:07:41 PM) Grrr HK says: (9:07:43 PM) I mean, I used to go to the store with my mom and sisters all the time, and half of it is like this: HK says: (9:08:31 PM) "MOMMMMMM, CAN I HAVE THIS TOY?!" "NO!" "BUT MOMMMMMMYYYYY!" "NO COME ON WE'RE IN A HURRY!" *sisters scream and throw a fit*
HK says: (9:08:32 PM) :P RJ says: (9:08:59 PM) rofl Auron says: (9:09:19 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:09:40 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twpt5GqtAYo&feature=related RJ says: (9:09:44 PM) best bday song evah Auron says: (9:11:44 PM) *SNORT* Auron says: (9:11:52 PM) And guys... I just invited my cousin to MSN Auron says: (9:12:02 PM) If he accepts, I'm gonna walk him through the procdure RJ says: (9:12:07 PM) That'll be fun RJ says: (9:12:10 PM) Me: Hi! RJ says: (9:12:16 PM) Him: *silence* RJ says: (9:12:30 PM) Lol HK says: (9:12:44 PM) HK: "Hey there you FOOL!" Him: "MOMMY SOMEONE CALLED ME A FOOOL!" HK says: (9:12:44 PM) :P HK says: (9:12:51 PM) Sorry:$ RJ says: (9:12:52 PM) lmao RJ says: (9:12:56 PM) that was win RJ says: (9:13:09 PM) HK <3 RJ says: (9:13:10 PM) XD Auron says: (9:13:15 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:13:20 PM) Yup, that's how it'll go Auron says: (9:13:28 PM) Sorry, RJ, but I don't think you should meet him... Auron says: (9:13:34 PM) He might take offense to your growling Auron says: (9:13:40 PM) Or whatever you call it Auron says: (9:13:41 PM) XD Auron says: (9:13:43 PM) j/k RJ says: (9:13:46 PM) This is type RJ says: (9:13:50 PM) not voice RJ says: (9:13:51 PM) XD RJ says: (9:13:56 PM) He can't hear me grooooowl HK says: (9:13:58 PM) Will he take offense to some good ole fashion soul music-lover?:P Auron says: (9:14:04 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:14:05 PM) No, but I do RJ says: (9:14:07 PM) lol RJ says: (9:14:08 PM) XD Auron says: (9:14:12 PM) Okay, brb while I write these directions RJ says: (9:15:25 PM) I just growled HK RJ says: (9:15:29 PM) "HK" RJ says: (9:15:30 PM) XD RJ says: (9:15:47 PM) Lets just say, if I were HK, I would not want to meet that growl in a dark alley somewhere RJ says: (9:15:52 PM) XD HK says: (9:15:53 PM) Hmmm LOL RJ says: (9:17:04 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179821751b083319/ HK says: (9:17:09 PM) I'm not sure if I could sing RJ R&B-style:P RJ says: (9:17:10 PM) it won't play for me RJ says: (9:17:14 PM) <_< HK says: (9:17:17 PM) *"RJ" RJ says: (9:17:25 PM) LOl HK says: (9:18:16 PM) O.O OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RJ says: (9:18:23 PM) What happened? HK says: (9:18:24 PM) THAT was creepy HK says: (9:18:25 PM) :P RJ says: (9:18:26 PM) O_o RJ says: (9:18:27 PM) oh RJ says: (9:18:28 PM) Lol HK says: (9:18:34 PM) I'd run off screaming if I actually heard that HK says: (9:18:34 PM) :P RJ says: (9:18:37 PM) lmao RJ says: (9:18:49 PM) I'm tempted to do Abby RJ says: (9:18:55 PM) it's a bit longer though RJ says: (9:18:58 PM) HK is easy RJ says: (9:19:02 PM) two letters RJ says: (9:19:04 PM) XD HK says: (9:19:19 PM) I just tried to growl, I sound like I'm burping:P RJ says: (9:19:24 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:19:38 PM) I heard some people say they sound like that RJ says: (9:19:39 PM) XD RJ says: (9:21:04 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/17982320cf97082f/ RJ says: (9:21:07 PM) theres abby RJ says: (9:21:08 PM) XD RJ says: (9:21:15 PM) It was actually shorter I think RJ says: (9:21:16 PM) XD HK says: (9:21:58 PM) What are you saying? RJ says: (9:22:03 PM) Abby RJ says: (9:22:05 PM) lol HK says: (9:22:07 PM) O.O RJ says: (9:22:09 PM) Ab-by Auron says: (9:22:14 PM) DISTURBING HK says: (9:22:15 PM) It just sounds like "Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy" to me HK says: (9:22:15 PM) :P Auron says: (9:22:18 PM) IT'S REPLAYING! RJ says: (9:22:22 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:22:24 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:22:25 PM) over and over and over RJ says: (9:22:26 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:22:34 PM) AB-BY, AB-BY, AB-BY! HK says: (9:22:45 PM) He sounds like he's coming to eat you HK says: (9:22:45 PM) :P RJ says: (9:22:48 PM) Lmao Auron says: (9:22:50 PM) Pretty much RJ says: (9:22:55 PM) I evil monster Auron says: (9:23:01 PM) Kill you and drink your blood Evil Monster says: (9:23:02 PM) XD RJ says: (9:23:12 PM) Hmmm HK says: (9:23:42 PM) Oh but remember, monster, what I told you: HK says: (9:23:47 PM) As you slither...I kill you:P HK says: (9:24:03 PM) And I'll throw your dead body into the Blackwater Park HK says: (9:24:04 PM) :P RJ says: (9:24:08 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:24:10 PM) LOl RJ says: (9:24:11 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:24:16 PM) OMG RJ says: (9:24:20 PM) that was awesome RJ says: (9:24:25 PM) XD Auron says: (9:24:38 PM) O.O HK says: (9:24:48 PM) Because you know, that action IS within temptation HK says: (9:24:48 PM) :P RJ says: (9:25:01 PM) lmao RJ says: (9:25:21 PM) Abby gave me an idea RJ says: (9:25:26 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/1798251948f127f9/ RJ says: (9:25:51 PM) XD RJ says: (9:26:33 PM) If I'm the only one who understands that I'll cry RJ says: (9:26:36 PM) XD Auron says: (9:27:12 PM) Abby come back and come play? RJ says: (9:27:19 PM) wtf RJ says: (9:27:21 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:27:21 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:27:23 PM) No Auron says: (9:27:25 PM) Apparently not Auron says: (9:27:27 PM) :P HK says: (9:27:29 PM) "I love a woman named Ashley"? Auron says: (9:27:32 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:27:36 PM) "I'll drink your blood and eat your flesh." HK says: (9:27:47 PM) o.o RJ says: (9:27:53 PM) listen again Auron says: (9:27:58 PM) OH RJ says: (9:28:00 PM) and read along with those words Auron says: (9:28:00 PM) Whoops RJ says: (9:28:01 PM) XD Auron says: (9:28:02 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:28:15 PM) I sorta drag "flesh" out RJ says: (9:28:18 PM) =P HK says: (9:28:25 PM) Ahh okay HK says: (9:28:38 PM) Dunno how I heard "I love a woman named Ashley":P RJ says: (9:28:42 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:28:51 PM) Seriously, that was hilarious RJ says: (9:28:52 PM) XD RJ says: (9:28:54 PM) I was like RJ says: (9:28:56 PM) WHOA RJ says: (9:28:57 PM) XD RJ says: (9:29:27 PM) I guess theres one thing about growling I have no problem pulling off Auron says: (9:29:31 PM) XD RJ says: (9:29:34 PM) unintelligable RJ says: (9:29:35 PM) XD RJ says: (9:29:47 PM) Everyone is like "Wtf is that?" RJ says: (9:29:47 PM) XD RJ says: (9:29:49 PM) lol HK says: (9:29:51 PM) LOL HK says: (9:29:53 PM) Well HK says: (9:30:16 PM) If thats the first clip of your voice you show your friends, they'll be like "OH MY HE'S A CANNABAL!" Auron says: (9:30:16 PM) I dunno, if you listen right is says "Abby come and here and come plaaaay" HK says: (9:30:17 PM) :P Auron says: (9:30:22 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:30:24 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:30:35 PM) XD RJ says: (9:31:27 PM) I listened again HK says: (9:31:36 PM) For a BRIEF minute I thought it sounded like "I love a woman named Abby":P Auron says: (9:31:43 PM) *stroke* HK says: (9:31:46 PM) But then I listened again, sounded like Ashley:P Auron says: (9:31:49 PM) lol RJ says: (9:31:57 PM) "Abby come here", I can hear that slightly RJ says: (9:31:59 PM) lol RJ says: (9:32:12 PM) It's actually "I'll drink your" RJ says: (9:32:13 PM) XD RJ says: (9:32:15 PM) lol RJ says: (9:32:26 PM) I wonder how long I can hold a growl RJ says: (9:32:29 PM) <_, RJ says: (9:32:30 PM) <_< RJ says: (9:32:33 PM) HK Auron says: (9:32:34 PM) Try :P HK says: (9:32:36 PM) ??? RJ says: (9:32:39 PM) to bad you dont have a mic RJ says: (9:32:48 PM) You could send me your burp, I mean RJ says: (9:32:49 PM) growl RJ says: (9:32:51 PM) XD Auron says: (9:32:52 PM) You should go into voice acting, be the big bad robot Auron says: (9:32:56 PM) LOL HK says: (9:33:00 PM) LOL HK says: (9:33:00 PM) :P RJ says: (9:33:01 PM) Lol Auron says: (9:33:33 PM) I said something once, to Sarah, over a mic... I dunno how old I was, 11 or something HK says: (9:33:45 PM) I have heard Sarah's voice RJ says: (9:33:50 PM) 4 seconds with a quick breath in HK says: (9:33:51 PM) I've heard so many forms of RJ's voice;p RJ says: (9:33:52 PM) XD HK says: (9:33:52 PM) *:P Auron says: (9:33:57 PM) LOL HK says: (9:34:07 PM) Growling, computer-like, woman-like, REGULAR-like was my favorite HK says: (9:34:07 PM) :P Auron says: (9:34:16 PM) XD RJ says: (9:34:16 PM) rofl RJ says: (9:34:25 PM) I did a high pitch voice one time HK says: (9:34:28 PM) Once he tried to sound like a high-pitched woman HK says: (9:34:29 PM) :P RJ says: (9:34:32 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:34:40 PM) O.O Auron says: (9:34:42 PM) TRY TRY HK says: (9:35:09 PM) I've never heard Abby's voice before although I've heard Rain's RJ says: (9:35:24 PM) Ok RJ says: (9:35:28 PM) give me something to say RJ says: (9:35:34 PM) and I'll do a high pitch version RJ says: (9:35:35 PM) XD Auron says: (9:35:52 PM) "Oh, Naos, you're soooo handsome" Auron says: (9:36:01 PM) :P HK says: (9:36:06 PM) :P RJ says: (9:36:13 PM) Ok RJ says: (9:36:16 PM) I did RJ says: (9:36:21 PM) and I scared myself RJ says: (9:36:22 PM) <_< HK says: (9:36:40 PM) Good thing your mother didn't walk in as you did that:P RJ says: (9:36:45 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:37:14 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179829479d9a7098/ Auron says: (9:37:17 PM) *SNORT* RJ says: (9:37:32 PM) *covers eyes* HK says: (9:37:36 PM) ..................OH MY GOSH Auron says: (9:37:42 PM) t's REPLAYING! RJ says: (9:37:47 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:37:51 PM) OVER AND OVER RJ says: (9:37:54 PM) shut it off RJ says: (9:37:55 PM) plz RJ says: (9:37:56 PM) XD HK says: (9:37:58 PM) Naos ain't gonna be talking to anyone who sounds like THAT:P Auron says: (9:38:02 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:38:04 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:38:11 PM) I think my face went red... Auron says: (9:38:12 PM) XD RJ says: (9:38:17 PM) Why? RJ says: (9:38:19 PM) XD Auron says: (9:38:19 PM) I can't stop laughing now XD RJ says: (9:38:24 PM) Mines red Auron says: (9:38:28 PM) I BET IT IS RJ says: (9:38:33 PM) I can't believe I can do that RJ says: (9:38:34 PM) XD Auron says: (9:38:39 PM) It's not natural Auron says: (9:38:40 PM) :P RJ says: (9:38:44 PM) lol Auron says: (9:38:46 PM) Not even I can do that HK says: (9:38:48 PM) That sounded like a stuffed up girl:P RJ says: (9:38:52 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:38:57 PM) Sounded like Erin, I bet Auron says: (9:38:58 PM) More like a transexual RJ says: (9:39:03 PM) BUUUUURN RJ says: (9:39:06 PM) ABBY Auron says: (9:39:06 PM) LOL! HK says: (9:39:09 PM) Not like Erin:P RJ says: (9:39:12 PM) OMG RJ says: (9:39:15 PM) ABBY! Auron says: (9:39:19 PM) RJ! RJ says: (9:39:20 PM) HOW COULD YOU Auron says: (9:39:21 PM) OMG Auron says: (9:39:23 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:39:24 PM) XD Auron says: (9:39:29 PM) Well LISTEN to it!!! Auron says: (9:39:39 PM) TELL ME IF THAT SOUNDS LIKE ANY WOMAN VOICE RJ says: (9:39:42 PM) Ok, now I'm laughing Auron says: (9:39:44 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:39:45 PM) XD Auron says: (9:39:59 PM) Can you do an Erin impersonation? Auron says: (9:40:02 PM) =) RJ says: (9:40:05 PM) Uh RJ says: (9:40:08 PM) no idea Auron says: (9:40:09 PM) =) Auron says: (9:40:12 PM) TRY TRY! RJ says: (9:40:20 PM) What would she sound like.... HK says: (9:40:24 PM) "Oh Niat, give your momma some sugar..." HK says: (9:40:25 PM) :P RJ says: (9:40:29 PM) wtf Auron says: (9:40:30 PM) OMG RJ says: (9:40:31 PM) XD Auron says: (9:40:31 PM) OMG Auron says: (9:40:33 PM) OMG Auron says: (9:40:36 PM) OMFG!!!!! Auron says: (9:40:39 PM) DO IT DO IT! RJ says: (9:40:40 PM) I AM NOT SAYING THAT RJ says: (9:40:42 PM) XD RJ says: (9:40:43 PM) NO RJ says: (9:40:58 PM) I cant RJ says: (9:41:01 PM) I started to RJ says: (9:41:08 PM) and now I'm laughing liek crazy RJ says: (9:41:09 PM) XD Auron says: (9:41:49 PM) *SNORT* Auron says: (9:41:52 PM) Okay, okay... Auron says: (9:41:55 PM) how about... RJ says: (9:41:56 PM) Ok.... I did it RJ says: (9:42:00 PM) its awful Auron says: (9:42:03 PM) "STOP IT JUICEKIA, NIAT IS MINE!" Auron says: (9:42:08 PM) SHOW IT! HK says: (9:42:09 PM) I don't think I want to hear it, RJ:P Auron says: (9:42:12 PM) I DO! RJ says: (9:42:13 PM) Sorry RJ says: (9:42:18 PM) deleted RJ says: (9:42:20 PM) XD Auron says: (9:42:21 PM) :P:P:P Auron says: (9:42:25 PM) That bad, huh? Auron says: (9:42:36 PM) I still got the last one stuck it my head, scraping my eardrums raw HK says: (9:42:40 PM) Its bad enough just IMAGINING her saying that HK says: (9:42:42 PM) :P Auron says: (9:42:44 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:42:49 PM) seriously, I kept looking behind me to make sure mom wasn't coming in RJ says: (9:42:51 PM) XD HK says: (9:42:52 PM) Nonetheless having a teenage BOY try to sound like a girl saying it HK says: (9:42:53 PM) :P Auron says: (9:43:04 PM) *SNORT* Auron says: (9:43:08 PM) Now I can't stop laughing... Auron says: (9:43:19 PM) Peppie's looking at the computer trying to figure out where Naos went Auron says: (9:43:22 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:43:25 PM) lol RJ says: (9:43:29 PM) XD Auron says: (9:43:41 PM) Okay, how about... Auron says: (9:43:45 PM) a SELAS impersonation Auron says: (9:43:53 PM) can you stand that? :P RJ says: (9:43:56 PM) Uh what RJ says: (9:44:04 PM) I can do that.... maybe RJ says: (9:44:06 PM) god Auron says: (9:44:07 PM) :P HK says: (9:44:09 PM) :P RJ says: (9:44:11 PM) wtf does he sound like RJ says: (9:44:12 PM) XD HK says: (9:44:15 PM) I know who you can try if you can't do Selas RJ says: (9:44:23 PM) I always imagined a sorta deep voice RJ says: (9:44:25 PM) <_< Auron says: (9:44:26 PM) "I wouldn't be a very good friend for you..." Auron says: (9:44:34 PM) something like that Auron says: (9:44:38 PM) DARK and mysterious Auron says: (9:44:39 PM) :P HK says: (9:45:01 PM) "I AM EVIL!" HK says: (9:45:02 PM) :P Auron says: (9:45:03 PM) OMG, Lance is basically asking me to hold his hand through these instalations Auron says: (9:45:06 PM) LOL, HK RJ says: (9:45:07 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:45:15 PM) I'ma growl that Auron says: (9:45:17 PM) Try it, RJ! :P RJ says: (9:45:18 PM) Evil Selas Auron says: (9:45:35 PM) More like, Selas/Jekk talking at the same time :P Auron says: (9:45:56 PM) OMG, Naos played again Auron says: (9:46:03 PM) *cackles* HK says: (9:46:23 PM) I sure hope Scout doesn't sound like that HK says: (9:46:24 PM) :P Auron says: (9:46:32 PM) I hope not HK says: (9:46:34 PM) Or else, Naos WILL dump her HK says: (9:46:35 PM) :P Auron says: (9:46:35 PM) *shudders* Auron says: (9:46:38 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:46:48 PM) OMG, I HAVE SOMETHING HK says: (9:46:51 PM) ??? Auron says: (9:46:53 PM) My last post in SDT RJ says: (9:46:58 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/1798332064ff6bfc/ HK says: (9:46:59 PM) O.O Auron says: (9:47:00 PM) RJ, you HAVE to say that one! HK says: (9:47:13 PM) THATS HOW SELAS SOUNDS?! RJ says: (9:47:21 PM) rofl no HK says: (9:47:26 PM) THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE A SITH THAT SOUNDS LIKE A MONSTER ON THE GS HK says: (9:47:27 PM) :P RJ says: (9:47:30 PM) LOL HK says: (9:47:38 PM) Fi HAS BAD TASTE in men HK says: (9:47:39 PM) :P RJ says: (9:47:52 PM) lmao HK says: (9:48:08 PM) OOOOH I know who you can try to sound like... Auron says: (9:49:01 PM) Jaskia was really trying not to laugh now. She drew on years of social networking skills, keeping her facial expression both mildly amused and inquisitive at the same time. “And what makes you a real man,” she asked in a voice she usually reserved for Nait alone, a ‘come-hither’ tone that, coupled with her exotic beauty, turned a man into putty in her hands. RJ says: (9:49:14 PM) I cant do that HK says: (9:49:14 PM) Oh GOSH RJ says: (9:49:17 PM) you do it Auron says: (9:49:18 PM) DO IT! RJ says: (9:49:19 PM) XD Auron says: (9:49:20 PM) :P HK says: (9:49:25 PM) We don't want RJ to sound like he's trying to seduce someone HK says: (9:49:26 PM) :P Auron says: (9:49:29 PM) I owuld, but I don't have a mic :P RJ says: (9:49:30 PM) omg Auron says: (9:49:32 PM) OMG LOL RJ says: (9:49:34 PM) thats a nightmare RJ says: (9:49:38 PM) XD HK says: (9:49:39 PM) That'd be a bit TOO far HK says: (9:49:40 PM) :-Op HK says: (9:49:41 PM) *:P Auron says: (9:49:44 PM) Awwwww RJ says: (9:50:00 PM) My idea of seducing: "See that bed? Good." Auron says: (9:50:02 PM) OMG I JUST IMAGINED IT RJ says: (9:50:03 PM) XD RJ says: (9:50:05 PM) lulz Auron says: (9:50:10 PM) *slaps RJ* RJ says: (9:50:15 PM) wut RJ says: (9:50:26 PM) straight to the point RJ says: (9:50:27 PM) XD Auron says: (9:50:39 PM) And you wonder why Omega dislikes you... HK says: (9:50:48 PM) LOL Auron says: (9:50:50 PM) tsk tsk RJ says: (9:50:51 PM) Because I'm a 24 carat prat HK says: (9:50:53 PM) :P RJ says: (9:50:55 PM) -_0 HK says: (9:51:00 PM) RJ can try to sound like... Auron says: (9:51:01 PM) LOL HK says: (9:51:04 PM) SISTER ETHEA!!!!!!!!!1 Auron says: (9:51:07 PM) O.G Auron says: (9:51:10 PM) *OMG Auron says: (9:51:13 PM) LOL HK says: (9:51:22 PM) "PRAAAIIIIISSSSEEEEE THEEEEE LOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!" HK says: (9:51:24 PM) :P Auron says: (9:51:24 PM) *SNORT!!!!* RJ says: (9:51:42 PM) I'll growl it RJ says: (9:51:45 PM) but thats it RJ says: (9:51:46 PM) XD Auron says: (9:51:46 PM) no Auron says: (9:51:48 PM) say it HK says: (9:51:52 PM) no Auron says: (9:51:54 PM) sister ethea style HK says: (9:51:54 PM) SING IT Auron says: (9:51:55 PM) :P Auron says: (9:51:57 PM) OMG Auron says: (9:52:02 PM) do it! RJ says: (9:52:03 PM) SING IT?!?!?!? HK says: (9:52:04 PM) CHRISTIAN MUSIC-STYLE! HK says: (9:52:05 PM) :P Auron says: (9:52:07 PM) SING IT!!!! RJ says: (9:52:13 PM) omg RJ says: (9:52:17 PM) I am not doing this RJ says: (9:52:22 PM) *opens voice recorder* Auron says: (9:52:25 PM) PLEEEEEEEASE? =) RJ says: (9:52:25 PM) someone stop me RJ says: (9:52:27 PM) XD Auron says: (9:52:31 PM) *pushes RJ ahead* RJ says: (9:52:37 PM) waaaaaah Auron says: (9:52:44 PM) waaa, yourself Auron says: (9:52:48 PM) sing it! Auron says: (9:52:49 PM) :P HK says: (9:52:55 PM) SING IT LIKE SHE'S SINGING IT IN CHURCH! HK says: (9:52:56 PM) :P RJ says: (9:53:08 PM) I suck at female impersonations Auron says: (9:53:09 PM) She'd probably have a whole row to herself... RJ says: (9:53:15 PM) I could do my normal voice Auron says: (9:53:18 PM) NO Auron says: (9:53:21 PM) GIRLY! RJ says: (9:53:25 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:53:29 PM) Ok.... Auron says: (9:53:32 PM) YAY RJ says: (9:54:20 PM) FFS RJ says: (9:54:24 PM) MOM WALKED IN! RJ says: (9:54:27 PM) AnAOIF;HOIF[G'JSAOIGJ RJ says: (9:54:36 PM) *facedesk* RJ says: (9:54:40 PM) *facedesk* Auron says: (9:54:42 PM) O.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.OO.O HK says: (9:54:51 PM) Just say RJ says: (9:54:56 PM) Lag out RJ has left the conversation.
RJ has been added to the conversation.
RJ has left the conversation.
RJ has been added to the conversation.
HK says: (9:55:13 PM) "Mom, I'm singing some good ole fashion music, praising the Lord!" HK says: (9:55:14 PM) :P RJ says: (9:55:18 PM) wtf no RJ says: (9:55:19 PM) XD RJ says: (9:55:29 PM) Mom knows allllll about my musi RJ says: (9:55:31 PM) music* HK says: (9:55:33 PM) I'M SINGING IT WITH A NUN!" HK says: (9:55:34 PM) :P Auron says: (9:55:35 PM) What'd she say??? Auron says: (9:55:41 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:55:52 PM) She was like HK says: (9:55:53 PM) "She and I are having some Church!" HK says: (9:55:54 PM) :P Auron says: (9:55:57 PM) Just look at her bashfully and say something like: "Private guy moment, ma." RJ says: (9:56:06 PM) "Praise the Lord, what?" RJ says: (9:56:08 PM) XD RJ says: (9:56:15 PM) My face is hot RJ says: (9:56:18 PM) XD Auron says: (9:56:19 PM) OMG Auron says: (9:56:20 PM) LOL RJ says: (9:56:30 PM) *feels it* RJ says: (9:56:35 PM) its like I'm on fire RJ says: (9:56:36 PM) XD Auron says: (9:56:44 PM) Aw, you're blushing Auron says: (9:56:45 PM) :P RJ says: (9:56:54 PM) XD RJ says: (9:57:01 PM) Never will I do that again HK says: (9:57:02 PM) NOW HK says: (9:57:05 PM) SHOW IT TO US! HK says: (9:57:06 PM) :P RJ says: (9:57:31 PM) I couldnt finish RJ says: (9:57:40 PM) it was so bad I broke out into crazy laughster RJ says: (9:57:42 PM) XD RJ says: (9:57:45 PM) laughter* RJ says: (9:57:46 PM) XD Auron says: (9:58:06 PM) Show us THAT Auron says: (9:58:08 PM) :P RJ says: (9:59:05 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179837344dad657e/ RJ says: (9:59:26 PM) <_< Auron says: (9:59:40 PM) My mom heard THAT Auron says: (9:59:47 PM) She's downstairs doing laundry Auron says: (9:59:50 PM) :$:$:$ RJ says: (9:59:52 PM) rofl RJ says: (9:59:53 PM) XD Auron says: (10:00:01 PM) Asked what the **** I was doin' Auron says: (10:00:03 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:00:07 PM) LOL HK says: (10:00:16 PM) Eeeek he sounds like the Joker a bit!:P RJ says: (10:00:22 PM) woot? Auron says: (10:00:24 PM) Nah Auron says: (10:00:29 PM) Joker's better Auron says: (10:00:31 PM) :P RJ says: (10:00:34 PM) One guy said that laugh made his skin crawl RJ says: (10:00:35 PM) XD Auron says: (10:00:47 PM) *shudders* Auron says: (10:00:55 PM) Try the Praise the Lord thing again :P RJ says: (10:01:09 PM) omg NO RJ says: (10:01:10 PM) tomorrow RJ says: (10:01:10 PM) lol Auron says: (10:01:12 PM) XD RJ says: (10:01:13 PM) my neighbors are sleeping RJ says: (10:01:17 PM) and I am next to them Auron says: (10:01:18 PM) *SNORT* RJ says: (10:01:20 PM) in the kitchen RJ says: (10:01:22 PM) XD RJ says: (10:02:06 PM) So RJ says: (10:02:09 PM) what else can i do? RJ says: (10:02:10 PM) =P Auron says: (10:02:24 PM) Hmmm Auron says: (10:02:34 PM) *downloads the Naos one* RJ says: (10:02:36 PM) I could do the first verse of Ghost of Perdition again Auron says: (10:02:41 PM) Nah... RJ says: (10:02:45 PM) that was my first growl Auron says: (10:02:46 PM) How about... RJ says: (10:02:46 PM) =P Auron says: (10:02:49 PM) Hmmm Auron says: (10:03:02 PM) I still say do the Jaskia one :P RJ says: (10:03:12 PM) tomorrow RJ says: (10:03:15 PM) promise RJ says: (10:03:16 PM) =P RJ says: (10:03:20 PM) sometime RJ says: (10:03:22 PM) tomorrow RJ says: (10:03:23 PM) :P HK says: (10:03:26 PM) LOL Auron says: (10:03:37 PM) IF you're on Auron says: (10:03:39 PM) :P Auron says: (10:03:51 PM) Assuming you're not gonna go play Halo and weezil out of it. :P HK says: (10:03:54 PM) :P Auron says: (10:03:58 PM) (cuz I know I would. >.>) HK says: (10:04:03 PM) MAYBE HK says: (10:04:09 PM) Abby should find a mic and SING PRAISE THE LORD HK says: (10:04:11 PM) :P Auron says: (10:04:20 PM) Actually Auron says: (10:04:25 PM) I'll go ask my dad right now Auron says: (10:04:27 PM) brb HK says: (10:04:28 PM) :P RJ says: (10:04:29 PM) Lol HK says: (10:04:38 PM) I was just kidding... HK says: (10:04:39 PM) :P RJ says: (10:04:43 PM) I cant do anymore, mom said my growls are so dang loud she can hear me in her room RJ says: (10:04:45 PM) XD Auron says: (10:05:10 PM) back Auron says: (10:05:14 PM) he's sleeping on the couch Auron says: (10:05:18 PM) So I can stay up late! Auron says: (10:05:20 PM) Yay! Auron says: (10:05:21 PM) :P RJ says: (10:05:22 PM) :D RJ says: (10:05:26 PM) yay@! RJ says: (10:05:28 PM) <_< Auron says: (10:05:31 PM) And boo for your mom saying that :( RJ says: (10:05:38 PM) Lol RJ says: (10:05:45 PM) Well, growling is loud HK says: (10:05:58 PM) If thats loud HK says: (10:06:04 PM) Praise the Lord should be REALLY loud RJ says: (10:06:05 PM) you have to use air to push it out, and that increases the volume HK says: (10:06:05 PM) :P RJ says: (10:06:10 PM) yes RJ says: (10:06:14 PM) plus I'm deaf RJ says: (10:06:17 PM) partially RJ says: (10:06:18 PM) so ya RJ says: (10:06:19 PM) :P HK says: (10:06:22 PM) :P RJ says: (10:06:34 PM) My growls are kinda low for me RJ says: (10:06:39 PM) =P HK says: (10:06:52 PM) LOL HK says: (10:07:04 PM) Ahh...don't you just love Sister Ethea? Causing you to sing praise the Lord?bamby RJ says: (10:07:10 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:07:14 PM) I can believe I did it RJ says: (10:07:18 PM) can't* RJ says: (10:07:19 PM) XD RJ says: (10:07:33 PM) I've never sang Praise the Lord in my freaking life RJ says: (10:07:41 PM) I blame you, homocidal droid RJ says: (10:07:47 PM) homicidal* RJ says: (10:07:48 PM) XD HK says: (10:07:51 PM) LOL HK says: (10:07:52 PM) :P HK says: (10:08:18 PM) OR HK says: (10:08:33 PM) You could sing "HALLELUJIAH!!!!!!!" Sister Ethea-style HK says: (10:08:34 PM) :P RJ says: (10:08:35 PM) Oh jesus RJ says: (10:08:37 PM) XD RJ says: (10:08:40 PM) no pun intended RJ says: (10:08:41 PM) XD HK says: (10:08:43 PM) :P HK says: (10:09:02 PM) Hmmm...I'm gonna have to bring our dear Sister into SDT someday...>.> HK says: (10:09:03 PM) :P RJ says: (10:09:07 PM) WHAT RJ says: (10:09:11 PM) XD HK says: (10:09:15 PM) j/k HK says: (10:09:16 PM) :P Auron says: (10:09:19 PM) NO!!!!!!! HK says: (10:09:22 PM) Wow RJ says: (10:09:24 PM) NOOOOO RJ says: (10:09:26 PM) XD HK says: (10:09:27 PM) An RP with Ethea AND Erin Auron says: (10:09:32 PM) *cringes* RJ says: (10:09:36 PM) *thinks about it* HK says: (10:09:38 PM) I can see it now RJ says: (10:09:39 PM) *dies* Auron says: (10:09:42 PM) I can't HK says: (10:09:45 PM) "NIAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I HATE JUICEKIA!!!!" Auron says: (10:09:45 PM) I refuse HK says: (10:09:52 PM) "NO NAIT WE GOTTA GO PRAY AT THE ALTER AND GO TO MASS!" Auron says: (10:09:57 PM) *goes blind* Auron says: (10:10:02 PM) *and deaf* Auron says: (10:10:18 PM) *locks self into a crazy person jacket* Auron says: (10:10:23 PM) *sits down* RJ says: (10:10:27 PM) straightjacket HK says: (10:10:29 PM) OH I CAN SEE HER SO TRYING TO "REDEEM" SELAS RJ says: (10:10:30 PM) lol Auron says: (10:10:31 PM) Oh, yeah RJ says: (10:10:44 PM) Selas would look at her and she'd die RJ says: (10:10:45 PM) XD HK says: (10:11:04 PM) She'd rush in, tackle him and beat him with the Bible "REPENT!!!! REPENT!!!!!!!!!!" HK says: (10:11:05 PM) :P RJ says: (10:11:09 PM) rofl RJ says: (10:11:11 PM) omg RJ says: (10:11:12 PM) wow RJ says: (10:11:13 PM) XD Auron says: (10:11:34 PM) HK, where's your Add Contact button? HK says: (10:11:59 PM) On the right of the "Find a contact" toolbar Auron says: (10:12:05 PM) Thanks. ;) HK says: (10:12:14 PM) yw RJ says: (10:12:23 PM) Mines in the upper left corner RJ says: (10:12:32 PM) a big + sign RJ says: (10:12:33 PM) cant miss it RJ says: (10:12:39 PM) Unless you're Abbys cousin RJ says: (10:12:41 PM) lol RJ says: (10:12:43 PM) XD HK says: (10:12:48 PM) LOL HK says: (10:12:48 PM) :P RJ says: (10:13:12 PM) Ima grow my hair long and make a music vid someday RJ says: (10:13:15 PM) and show you guys Auron/Abby says: (10:13:19 PM) *snort* RJ says: (10:13:26 PM) the first RJ fans RJ says: (10:13:27 PM) XD HK says: (10:13:27 PM) Who said I'd be a fan? HK says: (10:13:28 PM) :P RJ says: (10:13:30 PM) I did RJ says: (10:13:32 PM) =P Auron/Abby says: (10:13:33 PM) LANCE IS ON MSN! RJ says: (10:13:38 PM) No way HK says: (10:13:43 PM) OH MY Auron/Abby says: (10:14:00 PM) Yay, he's on! Auron/Abby says: (10:14:02 PM) HAHAHAHA RJ says: (10:14:08 PM) XD HK says: (10:14:10 PM) BRING HIM IN HERE AND WE'LL FREAK HIM OUT HK says: (10:14:11 PM) :P HK says: (10:14:11 PM) J/K RJ says: (10:14:16 PM) I'm with HK RJ says: (10:14:20 PM) (serious) RJ says: (10:14:21 PM) XD HK says: (10:14:22 PM) I was kidding HK says: (10:14:23 PM) :P RJ says: (10:14:26 PM) lol Auron/Abby says: (10:14:32 PM) If I let him meet you guys, ill you BEHAVE? RJ says: (10:14:38 PM) I'll behave RJ says: (10:14:50 PM) =) HK says: (10:14:58 PM) Fine fine I shall behave, I won't talk about Ethea, Erin, or anything like that HK says: (10:14:58 PM) :P Auron/Abby says: (10:15:04 PM) Good boy Lance has been added to the conversation.
Auron/Abby says: (10:15:12 PM) Hey, Lance! RJ says: (10:15:15 PM) Hi Lance Auron/Abby says: (10:15:17 PM) This is HK and RJ HK says: (10:15:21 PM) Hello:) RJ says: (10:15:24 PM) I'm RJ RJ says: (10:15:27 PM) Thats HK Lance says: (10:15:28 PM) hi Auron/Abby says: (10:15:51 PM) I made them promise to behave, because these two idiots like going around acting like transexuals Auron/Abby says: (10:15:57 PM) (joking) RJ says: (10:16:03 PM) -_- Auron/Abby says: (10:16:06 PM) XD HK says: (10:16:11 PM) ...excuse me HK says: (10:16:12 PM) ? HK says: (10:16:13 PM) :P Auron/Abby says: (10:16:15 PM) Wait, lemme drag Sarah in here Sarah has been added to the conversation.
Auron/Abby says: (10:16:21 PM) Hey, Sarah RJ says: (10:16:22 PM) SARAH RJ says: (10:16:25 PM) <3 Lance says: (10:16:25 PM) ok HK says: (10:16:38 PM) Hey Sarah Sarah says: (10:16:41 PM) Hi there RJ says: (10:16:49 PM) Sarah, I'm the only one who loves you Auron/Abby says: (10:16:50 PM) Sarah, this is my cousin RJ says: (10:16:54 PM) I gave you a heart Auron/Abby says: (10:16:55 PM) O_o Sarah says: (10:16:56 PM) haha RJ says: (10:16:57 PM) =P Auron/Abby says: (10:17:05 PM) RJ, no flirting when there's guests Sarah says: (10:17:05 PM) it's right, I've ditched "Jim" Sarah says: (10:17:06 PM) I love RJ now Sarah says: (10:17:10 PM) (sorry) RJ says: (10:17:10 PM) YES! Auron/Abby says: (10:17:14 PM) *facepalm* Auron/Abby says: (10:17:19 PM) Lance, just back away slowly... Auron/Abby says: (10:17:20 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:17:27 PM) Don't do it RJ says: (10:17:50 PM) *leans back and props feet on desk* RJ says: (10:17:53 PM) I'm harmless Auron/Abby says: (10:17:58 PM) Yeah, right RJ says: (10:18:04 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:18:06 PM) Hi Lance Auron/Abby says: (10:18:09 PM) So, Lance, you like MSN so far? :D Lance says: (10:18:11 PM) hi HK says: (10:18:21 PM) I am just a kind, gentle person, trying to enjoy life and help people Lance says: (10:18:26 PM) its pretty good Auron/Abby says: (10:18:28 PM) Which is surprisingly true Sarah says: (10:18:31 PM) I escaped from the local nut ward Sarah says: (10:18:32 PM) fear me Auron/Abby says: (10:18:33 PM) And yay! :D RJ says: (10:18:35 PM) LOL Auron/Abby says: (10:18:38 PM) *slaps Sarah* Sarah says: (10:18:42 PM) OW Auron/Abby says: (10:18:46 PM) Told you it's a lot easier than Email :P Lance says: (10:18:47 PM) im sure you did Auron/Abby says: (10:18:52 PM) LOL HK says: (10:18:56 PM) And then Lance says: (10:18:58 PM) lol Auron/Abby says: (10:18:58 PM) See? He IS my cousin HK says: (10:19:01 PM) I CURED her mental illness Auron/Abby says: (10:19:04 PM) O.O HK says: (10:19:05 PM) Because HK says: (10:19:07 PM) I have that power Auron/Abby says: (10:19:11 PM) Dude, you're freakin gout the guest! HK says: (10:19:15 PM) To help people express their deepest feelings Auron/Abby says: (10:19:17 PM) I told y'all to BEHAVE HK says: (10:19:17 PM) :P HK says: (10:19:26 PM) And learn how to be happy with life RJ says: (10:19:26 PM) HK can do just about anything, as long as its on MSN Sarah says: (10:19:27 PM) nobody told me to behave HK says: (10:19:30 PM) :P RJ says: (10:19:31 PM) lol Auron/Abby says: (10:19:35 PM) Don't mind them, they forgot to take their prescription medication RJ says: (10:19:43 PM) What medication RJ says: (10:19:44 PM) ? RJ says: (10:19:46 PM) Oh Auron/Abby says: (10:19:47 PM) See? RJ says: (10:19:49 PM) XD Auron/Abby says: (10:19:49 PM) :P Lance says: (10:19:53 PM) i see RJ says: (10:20:04 PM) You'll get used to it, Lance Auron/Abby says: (10:20:17 PM) Five years on MSN and *I* never got used to it... Auron/Abby says: (10:20:24 PM) *shakes head* HK says: (10:20:25 PM) Of course not HK says: (10:20:28 PM) You *are* it HK says: (10:20:29 PM) :P RJ says: (10:20:29 PM) You haven't known me for 5 years Lance says: (10:20:30 PM) five years RJ says: (10:20:33 PM) lol Lance says: (10:20:43 PM) ive only been on 10 seconds Auron/Abby says: (10:20:44 PM) Well, sometime close to that Sarah says: (10:20:44 PM) I've known you for about three years now Auron/Abby says: (10:20:47 PM) LOL Auron/Abby says: (10:20:59 PM) We're giving him an excellant first impression :P RJ says: (10:21:17 PM) ;) Auron/Abby says: (10:21:25 PM) Lance, we're gonna need to get you some kick-ass username or something... it's too time-consuming to spell out your name :P HK says: (10:21:37 PM) It is? RJ says: (10:21:37 PM) Like Auron isn't RJ says: (10:21:39 PM) <_< RJ says: (10:21:41 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:21:44 PM) But surely.... Sarah says: (10:21:48 PM) Lance is easier than Anthony :P Auron/Abby says: (10:21:51 PM) Auron = me, Abby RJ = Housten Sarah = Sarah HK = DJ HK says: (10:21:54 PM) :P HK says: (10:21:55 PM) :P RJ says: (10:21:56 PM) HK has it easy HK says: (10:21:56 PM) :P HK says: (10:21:59 PM) Why yes Auron/Abby says: (10:22:02 PM) Andrew is a special case Sarah says: (10:22:05 PM) HK.... RJ says: (10:22:06 PM) HK's name is 2 letters either way RJ says: (10:22:07 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:22:09 PM) change your name to.... HK says: (10:22:14 PM) I only have a two letter name, username AND real ame RJ says: (10:22:14 PM) And Abby HK says: (10:22:15 PM) *name HK says: (10:22:19 PM) And what, Sarah? Sarah says: (10:22:22 PM) supercalafailisticexpyalidochious RJ says: (10:22:23 PM) its HOUSTON RJ says: (10:22:27 PM) T-O-N Auron/Abby says: (10:22:28 PM) Sorries! RJ says: (10:22:30 PM) lol Auron/Abby says: (10:22:32 PM) Ton-Ton? HK says: (10:22:33 PM) Um Auron/Abby says: (10:22:39 PM) (couldn't resist) RJ says: (10:22:40 PM) I've had people call me: RJ says: (10:22:57 PM) Houston, Housten, Houstin, Dallas, Austin RJ says: (10:23:01 PM) lol supercalifragilisticexpyallidocious says: (10:23:07 PM) Try THIS Auron/Abby says: (10:23:08 PM) Hola, Austin! RJ says: (10:23:13 PM) <_< RJ says: (10:23:15 PM) lol supercalifragilisticexpyallidocious says: (10:23:17 PM) blame Marry poppins supercalifragilisticexpyallidocious says: (10:23:21 PM) *Mary HK says: (10:23:30 PM) Oh gosh HK says: (10:23:30 PM) :P Auron/Abby says: (10:23:31 PM) You want him to marry Popins?? RJ says: (10:23:36 PM) rofl supercalifragilisticexpyallidocious says: (10:23:37 PM) LOL Auron/Abby says: (10:23:39 PM) XD HK says: (10:23:42 PM) Which "he"? Lance says: (10:23:45 PM) lol RJ says: (10:23:47 PM) Sarah, be a good girl and go back to normal Auron/Abby says: (10:23:47 PM) Both of y'all RJ says: (10:23:50 PM) XD HK says: (10:23:56 PM) I will not marry Popins Auron/Abby says: (10:23:57 PM) You all better go back to normal or else! Sarah says: (10:24:00 PM) Happy now? Sarah says: (10:24:02 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:24:05 PM) Yes RJ says: (10:24:06 PM) ;P RJ says: (10:24:08 PM) :P* Sarah says: (10:24:09 PM) ppp Auron/Abby says: (10:24:10 PM) yay HK says: (10:24:13 PM) NO, I WANNA BE CRAZY AND WILD HK says: (10:24:17 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:24:17 PM) ROFL RJ says: (10:24:22 PM) HK! Sarah says: (10:24:23 PM) Can we invite a couple more people in here? Auron/Abby says: (10:24:24 PM) Youw ant me to go to 'or else?' RJ says: (10:24:25 PM) XD Auron/Abby says: (10:24:26 PM) NO Auron/Abby says: (10:24:31 PM) I don't wanna scare Lance away Sarah says: (10:24:32 PM) LOL Lance says: (10:24:38 PM) im here Auron/Abby says: (10:24:52 PM) You won't be if she invites more people... it'll only bring insanity *rolls eyes* RJ says: (10:25:07 PM) Sarah is "special" RJ says: (10:25:12 PM) notice the qoutation marks RJ says: (10:25:14 PM) =P RJ says: (10:25:20 PM) quotation* Auron says: (10:25:24 PM) mhmm Sarah says: (10:25:29 PM) Oh and I am also very proud of myself Sarah says: (10:25:30 PM) and very vain Auron says: (10:25:35 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179829479d9a7098/ Sarah says: (10:25:41 PM) I look at myself in the mirror every chance I get >.> Sarah says: (10:25:42 PM) bwahahaha RJ says: (10:25:44 PM) What is THAT RJ says: (10:25:47 PM) O_o HK says: (10:25:55 PM) ABBY RJ says: (10:25:56 PM) can't listen RJ says: (10:25:58 PM) :O HK says: (10:26:01 PM) I thought you DIDN'T want insanity in here RJ says: (10:26:02 PM) stupid mac HK says: (10:26:02 PM) :P Auron says: (10:26:04 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:26:08 PM) what is it? Sarah says: (10:26:10 PM) I'm not clicking :P Auron says: (10:26:11 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179829479d9a7098/ RJ says: (10:26:12 PM) please be my growl Auron says: (10:26:15 PM) CLICK! RJ says: (10:26:15 PM) plz Sarah says: (10:26:16 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:26:17 PM) oh god RJ says: (10:26:20 PM) plz RJ says: (10:26:20 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:26:27 PM) say Sarah says: (10:26:31 PM) wanna do a voice convo, guys? RJ says: (10:26:36 PM) nu HK says: (10:26:38 PM) I can't Auron says: (10:26:39 PM) Can't, I don't have a mic HK says: (10:26:39 PM) :P RJ says: (10:26:40 PM) I haz mac HK says: (10:26:40 PM) NO MIC HK says: (10:26:42 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:26:46 PM) GET A MIKE Sarah says: (10:26:47 PM) >. RJ says: (10:26:48 PM) I haz Mac and mic Sarah says: (10:26:51 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:26:52 PM) <_< Auron says: (10:26:53 PM) be right back Sarah says: (10:26:56 PM) okay RJ says: (10:27:02 PM) I iz fail RJ says: (10:27:05 PM) =/ RJ says: (10:27:12 PM) Mac ftl Sarah says: (10:27:25 PM) ... RJ says: (10:27:31 PM) wut RJ says: (10:27:32 PM) ? Sarah says: (10:27:38 PM) I HATE MY VOICE HK has left the conversation.
RJ says: (10:27:51 PM) I've never heard it RJ says: (10:27:57 PM) Send me audio sample? RJ says: (10:27:59 PM) =) Sarah says: (10:28:08 PM) Oh I just sent one over msn, it says it could not be delievered to everyone HK has been added to the conversation.
RJ says: (10:28:27 PM) I didn;t get one RJ says: (10:28:29 PM) =/ RJ says: (10:28:33 PM) darn mac RJ says: (10:28:36 PM) *sniff* Sarah says: (10:28:39 PM) welll maybe... HK says: (10:28:39 PM) YOUR VOICE CLIP MAULFUNCTIONED MY MSN, MISSY HK says: (10:28:40 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:28:45 PM) ROFL Sarah says: (10:28:46 PM) well anyway Sarah says: (10:28:55 PM) maybe I can find a way to send you a voice clip another way, I dunno Sarah says: (10:28:58 PM) (talking to RJ) RJ says: (10:28:59 PM) :D RJ says: (10:29:01 PM) yay Sarah says: (10:29:04 PM) any ideas? Sarah says: (10:29:08 PM) any clients we can use? Sarah says: (10:29:09 PM) haha HK says: (10:29:14 PM) My MSN must have been horrified by your robot voice HK says: (10:29:14 PM) :P HK says: (10:29:15 PM) J/K RJ says: (10:29:16 PM) Use a voice recorder and upload it HK says: (10:29:17 PM) j/k Sarah says: (10:29:17 PM) lol HK says: (10:29:23 PM) Sorry:$ Sarah says: (10:29:30 PM) welll I do have a recorder program RJ says: (10:29:34 PM) woot Sarah says: (10:29:39 PM) okay lemme go record real quick Sarah says: (10:29:40 PM) brb Auron says: (10:29:50 PM) back Auron says: (10:29:59 PM) Went to get frozen waffles HK says: (10:30:18 PM) Frrroooozzzzeeeeeen WAFFFFFFFLLLLLEEEEES RJ says: (10:30:27 PM) It would help if you cooked them first RJ says: (10:30:28 PM) =P Auron says: (10:30:46 PM) Nah, I get 'em and put honey on 'em Auron says: (10:30:53 PM) The honey freezes, and I eat it Auron says: (10:31:05 PM) honey's good on everything :P RJ says: (10:31:14 PM) I eat honey with chicken Auron says: (10:31:21 PM) ditto RJ says: (10:31:30 PM) I also eat chicken with BBQ sauce RJ says: (10:31:31 PM) :D RJ says: (10:31:33 PM) <3 Auron says: (10:31:36 PM) :P RJ says: (10:31:41 PM) I'm hungry RJ says: (10:31:44 PM) -_- Sarah says: (10:31:44 PM) okay RJ, I'll send it to you now HK says: (10:31:46 PM) I need music Sarah says: (10:31:49 PM) the voice clip I just recorded Auron says: (10:31:54 PM) send it to me! RJ says: (10:31:56 PM) *gives HK Cannibal Corpse* HK says: (10:32:00 PM) NO RJ says: (10:32:05 PM) No, its for me only Sarah says: (10:32:10 PM) lol RJ says: (10:32:11 PM) its a special recording RJ says: (10:32:12 PM) XD HK says: (10:32:20 PM) I'm gonna go listen to some...R&B!:D RJ says: (10:32:24 PM) Nooooo Sarah says: (10:32:50 PM) I have the perfect song! RJ says: (10:32:55 PM) uh oh Sarah says: (10:33:01 PM) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBDHe1BvOAY Auron says: (10:33:31 PM) I KNEW IT RJ says: (10:33:31 PM) wut that RJ says: (10:33:33 PM) OMG Sarah says: (10:33:35 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:33:40 PM) Okay Sarah says: (10:33:43 PM) you got my voice clp Sarah says: (10:33:44 PM) *clip Auron says: (10:33:46 PM) RJ, I'm daring you to sing it HK says: (10:33:47 PM) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RJ says: (10:33:50 PM) I listen now RJ says: (10:33:52 PM) NO RJ says: (10:33:54 PM) WTF No Auron says: (10:33:57 PM) LOL HK says: (10:33:58 PM) *goes off to get some R&B to recover* Sarah says: (10:34:07 PM) So RJ Sarah says: (10:34:09 PM) what do you think of my voice? Sarah says: (10:34:15 PM) do i sound like a robot? :P Sarah says: (10:34:18 PM) like HK says? RJ says: (10:34:21 PM) Nope HK says: (10:34:25 PM) :-O Sarah says: (10:34:26 PM) really? Auron says: (10:34:28 PM) You got it mized Auron says: (10:34:31 PM) *mixed RJ says: (10:34:31 PM) Really really Auron says: (10:34:36 PM) RJ sounds like a freaking robot Sarah says: (10:34:41 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:34:41 PM) -_- Auron says: (10:34:44 PM) XD HK says: (10:34:47 PM) When you hear RJ talk regular HK says: (10:34:48 PM) He does not Auron says: (10:34:52 PM) Does too Sarah says: (10:34:56 PM) hmmm HK says: (10:34:57 PM) Sarah sounds either like a robot or a Toad from Mario HK says: (10:34:58 PM) :P Auron says: (10:35:01 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:35:03 PM) maybe I just sound different on this other program RJ says: (10:35:03 PM) O_o Auron says: (10:35:08 PM) Sarah, send it to me :P Sarah says: (10:35:08 PM) HK I'll send it to you too Auron says: (10:35:14 PM) DON'T FORGET ME!!! RJ says: (10:35:14 PM) Yeah she sounds l33t to me Sarah says: (10:35:18 PM) haha okay Auron says: (10:35:27 PM) RJ, do I sound like a robot? RJ says: (10:35:29 PM) maybe I just have awesome ears (for a deaf guy) RJ says: (10:35:32 PM) No Auron says: (10:35:34 PM) Yay RJ says: (10:35:38 PM) You sound like a 14 yr old boy RJ says: (10:35:40 PM) XD RJ says: (10:35:41 PM) LOL Auron says: (10:35:43 PM) *FACEPALM* Sarah says: (10:35:48 PM) sending now RJ says: (10:35:49 PM) HAHAHHAHAHAHA HK says: (10:35:53 PM) I've never heard Abby's voice Auron says: (10:35:54 PM) Lance, will you help me beat him up? Lance says: (10:36:00 PM) yea RJ says: (10:36:04 PM) No, Abby sounds like a girl, definately Auron says: (10:36:08 PM) Uh huh HK says: (10:36:10 PM) I've heard Sarah's HK says: (10:36:10 PM) RJ's Lance says: (10:36:11 PM) lol HK says: (10:36:13 PM) And Rain's RJ says: (10:36:18 PM) I mean it RJ says: (10:36:21 PM) she sounds RJ says: (10:36:22 PM) like RJ says: (10:36:25 PM) a girl RJ says: (10:36:26 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:36:31 PM) what do I sound like? Auron says: (10:36:33 PM) "IT"?????????? RJ says: (10:36:42 PM) No RJ says: (10:36:47 PM) what I meant was Auron says: (10:36:54 PM) I'm an 'it' now :( Auron says: (10:36:59 PM) *kills RJ* Sarah says: (10:37:00 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:37:01 PM) She sounds like a girl. I mean it, she sounds like a girl HK says: (10:37:03 PM) URGH I hope this transfer doesn't screw up, Sarah Auron says: (10:37:05 PM) Yay! Auron says: (10:37:06 PM) :P HK says: (10:37:11 PM) It won't finish Sarah says: (10:37:15 PM) weird Sarah says: (10:37:18 PM) it says it's complete to me RJ says: (10:37:19 PM) I need to use proper grammer on here RJ says: (10:37:20 PM) XD HK says: (10:37:26 PM) Can you try to resend? Sarah says: (10:37:46 PM) hmmm maybe in a minute... maybe I should wait until Abby is done downloading it first Sarah says: (10:37:49 PM) then resend it to you Auron says: (10:37:51 PM) :P Auron says: (10:37:53 PM) done Sarah says: (10:37:54 PM) maybe that's what screwd it up Sarah says: (10:37:56 PM) okies RJ says: (10:37:57 PM) This is my voice RJ says: (10:37:59 PM) REALLY? RJ says: (10:38:00 PM) XD RJ says: (10:38:01 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:38:02 PM) lol RJ says: (10:38:17 PM) I cant do mine right now Sarah says: (10:38:19 PM) So Abby RJ says: (10:38:20 PM) <_< Sarah says: (10:38:21 PM) what do you think of my voice? Auron says: (10:38:33 PM) Hmmm RJ says: (10:38:37 PM) I like RJ says: (10:38:38 PM) :p RJ says: (10:38:40 PM) sorta RJ says: (10:38:42 PM) :p Auron says: (10:38:43 PM) I always imagined it slightly deeper Sarah says: (10:38:48 PM) hehe realy? RJ says: (10:38:54 PM) Deeper than that! RJ says: (10:38:56 PM) O-o Auron says: (10:38:58 PM) Yeah :P Auron says: (10:39:10 PM) It sounded... cartoonish Auron says: (10:39:14 PM) :$ Sarah says: (10:39:18 PM) haha RJ says: (10:39:18 PM) Well she doesn't sound girly RJ says: (10:39:23 PM) but its not a robot RJ says: (10:39:25 PM) lol Auron says: (10:39:36 PM) Nope RJ says: (10:39:37 PM) Now, my ex gf had an awesome voice HK says: (10:39:44 PM) DANGIT IT WON'T FINISH Auron says: (10:39:47 PM) Actually sounds liek BlackArachnia from BeastWars Sarah says: (10:39:54 PM) hahahah Auron says: (10:39:57 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:40:01 PM) BLACKARACHNIA! Sarah says: (10:40:01 PM) YAY HK says: (10:40:22 PM) Although... HK says: (10:40:31 PM) Sarah's voice isn't bad or anything HK says: (10:40:34 PM) And believe me... HK says: (10:40:41 PM) It beats "NAOS YOU ARE SOOO HANDSOOOME" Sarah says: (10:40:45 PM) LOL Auron says: (10:40:47 PM) OMG RJ says: (10:40:47 PM) ,,!,, Auron says: (10:40:48 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:40:49 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:40:50 PM) gimme the link to that again! Sarah says: (10:40:52 PM) I wanna hear it now! RJ says: (10:40:55 PM) OMG RJ says: (10:41:00 PM) I'm famous Sarah says: (10:41:01 PM) Please? Sarah says: (10:41:02 PM) =) RJ says: (10:41:04 PM) in a bad way RJ says: (10:41:12 PM) -_- Sarah says: (10:41:16 PM) pweeeeassse what was the link again? =) RJ says: (10:41:21 PM) I dont have RJ says: (10:41:24 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:41:26 PM) Abby? Auron says: (10:41:27 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179829479d9a7098/ RJ says: (10:41:27 PM) Abby had it Auron says: (10:41:29 PM) HAHA Sarah says: (10:41:31 PM) ooo thanks RJ says: (10:41:39 PM) link one of my growls.... RJ says: (10:41:41 PM) XD RJ says: (10:41:43 PM) pwz HK says: (10:41:52 PM) HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOSH Sarah says: (10:41:55 PM) what? Auron says: (10:41:58 PM) ? HK says: (10:41:59 PM) I WAS LISTENING TO DIANA ROSS WHILE I LISTENED TO THAT AGAIN Auron says: (10:42:03 PM) OMG Sarah says: (10:42:04 PM) LOL Auron says: (10:42:05 PM) :P RJ says: (10:42:06 PM) LOL HK says: (10:42:16 PM) Diana and RJ's girly voice do NOT mix well HK says: (10:42:17 PM) :P Auron says: (10:42:25 PM) Disturbing Sarah says: (10:42:26 PM) ROFL RJ says: (10:42:27 PM) my face RJ says: (10:42:30 PM) gah Sarah says: (10:42:31 PM) RJ Sarah says: (10:42:32 PM) YOU Sarah says: (10:42:32 PM) SOUND Sarah says: (10:42:35 PM) SO..... Auron says: (10:42:38 PM) transexual? Sarah says: (10:42:42 PM) XXD Auron says: (10:42:46 PM) :P:P:P:P RJ says: (10:42:49 PM) I have to manipulate my voice to do that RJ says: (10:42:51 PM) lol RJ says: (10:42:54 PM) God Sarah says: (10:42:58 PM) Hey guys I have an idea HK says: (10:43:01 PM) It was like "NAOS I WILL SO HANDSOME SURVIVE" HK says: (10:43:01 PM) :P RJ says: (10:43:04 PM) I am recording my real voice now Sarah says: (10:43:10 PM) Let's all make a crazy cartoon or something :P Sarah says: (10:43:13 PM) with our voices :P HK says: (10:43:18 PM) Oh gosh Auron says: (10:43:18 PM) I can't. =\ HK says: (10:43:19 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:43:42 PM) Hey RJ..... Sarah says: (10:43:46 PM) you sound almost.... Sarah says: (10:43:50 PM) Southern in that clip Sarah says: (10:43:51 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:44:01 PM) LOL HK says: (10:44:02 PM) Ugh not as abd as me HK says: (10:44:04 PM) *bad RJ says: (10:44:05 PM) Guess what RJ says: (10:44:09 PM) I was born in TN RJ says: (10:44:11 PM) =P Sarah says: (10:44:13 PM) ahhhh HK says: (10:44:14 PM) I have a Southern British tone HK says: (10:44:14 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:44:16 PM) HK Sarah says: (10:44:19 PM) you MUST get a mic someday Sarah says: (10:44:21 PM) you MUST Sarah says: (10:44:24 PM) MUST MUST MUST HK says: (10:44:24 PM) South + British does NOT sound good together HK says: (10:44:25 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:44:25 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:44:31 PM) HK = awesome RJ says: (10:44:34 PM) no matter what RJ says: (10:44:44 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/1798521259f9c189/ RJ says: (10:44:45 PM) there Sarah says: (10:44:47 PM) are you SURE you don't have a mic around Sarah says: (10:44:48 PM) > Sarah says: (10:44:49 PM) ? Sarah says: (10:45:12 PM) RJ HK says: (10:45:13 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:45:14 PM) you sound like a man Sarah says: (10:45:19 PM) you sound like you're 25 RJ says: (10:45:21 PM) No kidding RJ says: (10:45:24 PM) lol HK says: (10:45:25 PM) ........oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh RJ says: (10:45:25 PM) oh RJ says: (10:45:27 PM) XD RJ says: (10:45:33 PM) I'm 17 <_< HK says: (10:45:43 PM) I started my Diana song over...then you posted the link and... Sarah says: (10:45:45 PM) RJ.... can you record one more clip, where you go as DEEP as you can go? =) HK says: (10:45:52 PM) JUST as RJ said "This is my REAL voice" Sarah says: (10:45:56 PM) LOL HK says: (10:45:58 PM) Her song starts! HK says: (10:45:59 PM) :P RJ says: (10:46:02 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:46:08 PM) YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO LISTEN OT DIANA ROSS WHILE HIS AWESOMENESS IS SPEAKING! RJ says: (10:46:09 PM) I bet that was hilarios Sarah says: (10:46:11 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:46:16 PM) hilarious* RJ says: (10:46:17 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:46:19 PM) Lance Sarah says: (10:46:21 PM) you are still here? :P Lance says: (10:46:28 PM) yea Auron says: (10:46:29 PM) I think he died Sarah says: (10:46:30 PM) hehehe HK says: (10:46:31 PM) For a minute I forgot about her song Auron says: (10:46:32 PM) :P HK says: (10:46:37 PM) And for a SPLIT second HK says: (10:46:47 PM) I thought "HOLY COW WHAT THE HECK OH MY GOSH OH MY GOODNESS AHHH" HK says: (10:46:48 PM) :P RJ says: (10:46:51 PM) LOL Sarah says: (10:46:53 PM) rofl Sarah says: (10:47:03 PM) and now Sarah says: (10:47:05 PM) ONE MORE TIME HK says: (10:47:05 PM) Then I realized "Oh, this is Diana, thank goodness" HK says: (10:47:06 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:47:06 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179829479d9a7098/ RJ says: (10:47:11 PM) whats that RJ says: (10:47:16 PM) real or naos? Sarah says: (10:47:16 PM) the girly voice RJ says: (10:47:18 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:47:19 PM) hehehe RJ says: (10:47:20 PM) omg RJ says: (10:47:21 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:47:39 PM) that voice, along with those words, just cracks me UP HK says: (10:47:52 PM) Note to self: NEVER listen to superstar Diana Ross while she's singing all actively while listening to RJ's voice HK says: (10:47:53 PM) :P Auron says: (10:48:00 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:48:01 PM) lol RJ says: (10:48:16 PM) So I can do high pitch cartoon RJ says: (10:48:20 PM) gutteral growls Sarah says: (10:48:27 PM) RJ RJ says: (10:48:28 PM) and normal RJ says: (10:48:29 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:48:37 PM) I dare you to to nararate a short book with that voice :P Auron says: (10:48:41 PM) OMG Auron says: (10:48:43 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:48:43 PM) god RJ says: (10:48:56 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:49:00 PM) nararate the story of Ruth from the Bible or something RJ says: (10:49:05 PM) O_o RJ says: (10:49:06 PM) XD HK says: (10:49:12 PM) I would continue to ask him to do that Erin thing but I don't wanna freak our guest out HK says: (10:49:12 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:49:20 PM) Erin thing? Sarah says: (10:49:22 PM) hehehhee Sarah says: (10:49:23 PM) XXD RJ says: (10:49:23 PM) I cant dor it tonight anyways RJ says: (10:49:24 PM) XD RJ says: (10:49:27 PM) do it* RJ says: (10:49:28 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:49:29 PM) hahahahah RJ says: (10:49:36 PM) lol Auron says: (10:49:48 PM) *SNORT* Sarah says: (10:49:51 PM) I WANNA HEAR THE ERIN THING Sarah says: (10:49:53 PM) >.> Sarah says: (10:49:53 PM) <.< RJ says: (10:49:59 PM) tomorrow RJ says: (10:50:00 PM) :p Sarah says: (10:50:04 PM) hehe okay Sarah says: (10:50:08 PM) just so long as you promise :P Sarah says: (10:50:13 PM) <__< RJ says: (10:50:13 PM) yes yes RJ says: (10:50:14 PM) <_< Sarah says: (10:50:15 PM) :D RJ says: (10:50:16 PM) >_> Sarah says: (10:50:42 PM) Sooo Lance.... Sarah says: (10:50:44 PM) what do you think of us? Sarah says: (10:50:46 PM) be honest >> Auron says: (10:50:55 PM) *mumbles* we're nuts... HK says: (10:51:05 PM) SHUSH RJ says: (10:51:11 PM) I'm a cashew HK says: (10:51:11 PM) :P RJ says: (10:51:16 PM) Abby is a walnut RJ says: (10:51:30 PM) HK is just a nut RJ says: (10:51:32 PM) lol HK says: (10:51:33 PM) LOL HK says: (10:51:33 PM) :P RJ says: (10:52:08 PM) What do you do when a bull charges you? Auron says: (10:52:13 PM) Jump RJ says: (10:52:13 PM) Give him your credit card HK says: (10:52:15 PM) GET ON IT AND GO FOR A RIDE RJ says: (10:52:17 PM) lol Auron says: (10:52:19 PM) LOL RJ says: (10:52:19 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:52:20 PM) send him a bill RJ says: (10:52:23 PM) lmao Sarah says: (10:52:26 PM) and.... Sarah says: (10:52:29 PM) apologize to the duck RJ says: (10:52:34 PM) XD Auron says: (10:52:40 PM) I have no clue what you guys are saying. >.> RJ says: (10:52:41 PM) never heard that one RJ says: (10:52:49 PM) its a joke, blondie Sarah says: (10:52:50 PM) hehe RJ says: (10:52:51 PM) =P Auron says: (10:52:57 PM) STRAWBERRY blond enow HK says: (10:52:59 PM) I'll ride him around and say "LETS GO GET THOSE FOOLS IN THE MSN CONVOS!" HK says: (10:53:01 PM) :P RJ says: (10:53:11 PM) Yes, stawberry blonde raised your IQ by 5 RJ says: (10:53:14 PM) straw* RJ says: (10:53:16 PM) XD RJ says: (10:53:21 PM) Lol HK Sarah says: (10:53:22 PM) you know.... HK says: (10:53:29 PM) Then the bull just throws me off of himself HK says: (10:53:29 PM) :P Sarah says: (10:53:30 PM) they used to say my hair was strawberry blonde when I was little Auron says: (10:53:33 PM) But is still ROSED! Sarah says: (10:53:35 PM) but I've always thought it was, like, BROWN RJ says: (10:53:51 PM) My hair was sandy blonde when I was little. RJ says: (10:53:57 PM) It's dark brown now Sarah says: (10:54:26 PM) hmmm I wanna try something Sarah says: (10:54:26 PM) brb RJ says: (10:54:33 PM) *is scared* RJ says: (10:54:35 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:55:18 PM) mostly I just wanna see if I can do something.... then I will decide if I am brave enough to tell you guys :P Auron says: (10:55:20 PM) Whenever Sarah tries an 'at-home' project, she WILL need to go to the ER RJ says: (10:55:27 PM) Lol RJ says: (10:55:29 PM) XD RJ says: (10:55:35 PM) Shes going to growl Lance says: (10:55:37 PM) lol RJ says: (10:55:38 PM) :D RJ says: (10:55:41 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:55:44 PM) okay gonna try it, brb HK says: (10:55:51 PM) I am worried RJ says: (10:55:53 PM) drink warm water! RJ says: (10:56:03 PM) and stop if your voice hurts HK says: (10:56:06 PM) THE GROWLING IS GOING TO SUCK HER IN RJ says: (10:56:07 PM) er RJ says: (10:56:10 PM) throat HK says: (10:56:10 PM) JUST LIKE IT SUCKED POOR RJ IN RJ says: (10:56:11 PM) lol Auron says: (10:56:16 PM) I remember when I tried growling... Auron says: (10:56:19 PM) *shudders* Sarah says: (10:56:27 PM) Okay I juts did it HK says: (10:56:28 PM) Come to the goooodness that is R&B! Sarah says: (10:56:30 PM) NOW I need to see how it.... is Sarah says: (10:56:34 PM) brb again Lance says: (10:56:37 PM) when you tried growling Auron says: (10:56:43 PM) :$ RJ says: (10:56:53 PM) send him one of my growls Auron says: (10:56:55 PM) Let's just say it was one of my experiments... RJ says: (10:56:56 PM) like that RJ says: (10:56:57 PM) :P RJ says: (10:56:59 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:57:14 PM) Okay Sarah says: (10:57:24 PM) I am NOT going to share it RJ says: (10:57:24 PM) Plz HK says: (10:57:25 PM) ...what did you DO? RJ says: (10:57:25 PM) plz share RJ says: (10:57:27 PM) =) Sarah says: (10:57:29 PM) You sure you wanna know? HK says: (10:57:33 PM) YES RJ says: (10:57:34 PM) I wanna know Sarah says: (10:57:42 PM) welll.... RJ says: (10:57:42 PM) =) Sarah says: (10:57:44 PM) in a private convo.... Sarah says: (10:58:00 PM) HK told me this line that he asked you to have Erin say in your girly voice Sarah says: (10:58:00 PM) so.... Sarah says: (10:58:01 PM) I tried to do a seductive voice just to see if I could Sarah says: (10:58:06 PM) >.> RJ says: (10:58:14 PM) Woot RJ says: (10:58:15 PM) gimma now HK says: (10:58:16 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW Sarah says: (10:58:16 PM) noes RJ says: (10:58:16 PM) NOW HK says: (10:58:17 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW Sarah says: (10:58:17 PM) noes Sarah says: (10:58:18 PM) noes RJ says: (10:58:18 PM) NOW HK says: (10:58:19 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW RJ says: (10:58:19 PM) NOW HK says: (10:58:20 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW HK says: (10:58:20 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW RJ says: (10:58:21 PM) NOW Sarah says: (10:58:22 PM) Oh gawd RJ says: (10:58:23 PM) NOW HK says: (10:58:23 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW Auron says: (10:58:24 PM) STOP!!!!!!! RJ says: (10:58:24 PM) NOW HK says: (10:58:25 PM) SHOW SHOW SHOW RJ says: (10:58:26 PM) NOW RJ says: (10:58:28 PM) NOW Auron says: (10:58:29 PM) STOP!!!!! RJ says: (10:58:30 PM) NOW RJ says: (10:58:30 PM) NOW RJ says: (10:58:32 PM) NOW RJ says: (10:58:35 PM) *stops* Auron says: (10:58:39 PM) Good boy RJ says: (10:58:47 PM) NOW RJ says: (10:58:48 PM) XD Sarah says: (10:58:49 PM) LOL HK says: (10:58:58 PM) SARAH. I. MUST. HEAR. IT Sarah says: (10:59:05 PM) Oh good gravy Sarah says: (10:59:06 PM) :$ RJ says: (10:59:09 PM) HK is going made RJ says: (10:59:10 PM) mad* RJ says: (10:59:13 PM) XD RJ says: (10:59:15 PM) lol Sarah says: (10:59:18 PM) Ummm.... Sarah says: (10:59:22 PM) I want a girl's opinion on it first RJ says: (10:59:23 PM) send Auron says: (10:59:27 PM) Yay! RJ says: (10:59:34 PM) No RJ says: (10:59:34 PM) Abby is not girl RJ says: (10:59:38 PM) no girls in this convo Auron says: (10:59:39 PM) oh shush Sarah says: (10:59:40 PM) :P RJ says: (10:59:40 PM) so send Auron says: (10:59:47 PM) You trans. Lance says: (10:59:47 PM) LOL HK says: (10:59:52 PM) EXCUSE ME? HK says: (10:59:55 PM) I DID NOT SAY IT RJ says: (10:59:59 PM) I'm going to kill you RJ says: (11:00:06 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:00:13 PM) Okay... sending to Abby now RJ says: (11:00:16 PM) omg lag Sarah says: (11:00:17 PM) *gulp* RJ says: (11:00:20 PM) invite me back RJ has left the conversation.
Auron says: (11:00:30 PM) BRB RJ has been added to the conversation.
HK says: (11:00:36 PM) About time you got back in here HK says: (11:00:37 PM) :P RJ says: (11:00:39 PM) Lol RJ says: (11:00:40 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:01:04 PM) Okay... I'll give it to HK now Sarah says: (11:01:07 PM) RJ can wait until last Sarah says: (11:01:08 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:01:11 PM) Wut Sarah says: (11:01:14 PM) XD RJ says: (11:01:15 PM) wut is this madness RJ says: (11:01:17 PM) -_- HK says: (11:01:20 PM) Muwhahahahaha HK says: (11:01:35 PM) *taunting voice* I listen to get to listen it before RJ! HAHAHAHAHA Sarah says: (11:01:38 PM) hopefully the transfer will work RJ says: (11:01:44 PM) Lol HK RJ says: (11:01:59 PM) *imagines an evil british guy* RJ says: (11:02:01 PM) XD RJ says: (11:02:29 PM) "I drive my car on the wrong side of the road! Muwwhahahahaha" RJ says: (11:02:31 PM) <_< HK says: (11:02:38 PM) LOL I don't do that, I'm in the US HK says: (11:02:39 PM) Not UK HK says: (11:02:40 PM) :P RJ says: (11:02:41 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:02:47 PM) did you get the clip? HK says: (11:03:06 PM) It says 0 KB but STILL won't finish Sarah says: (11:03:10 PM) :/ RJ says: (11:03:11 PM) Poor HK Sarah says: (11:03:17 PM) well I'll try sending it to RJ RJ says: (11:03:18 PM) I'll sample it for him HK says: (11:03:19 PM) How about RJ says: (11:03:20 PM) XD HK says: (11:03:27 PM) You send it through an email attachment? RJ says: (11:03:30 PM) no RJ says: (11:03:32 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:03:33 PM) haha HK says: (11:03:41 PM) Talking to Sarah HK says: (11:03:42 PM) :P RJ says: (11:03:47 PM) I still say no Sarah says: (11:03:49 PM) maybe.... Sarah says: (11:03:56 PM) RJ could try to send it to you after he gets it RJ says: (11:04:00 PM) Sure RJ says: (11:04:03 PM) I'll do that Sarah says: (11:04:03 PM) hehe okay HK says: (11:04:04 PM) Sure RJ says: (11:04:05 PM) XD HK says: (11:04:10 PM) He could upload it to zshare HK says: (11:04:11 PM) :P RJ says: (11:04:17 PM) good idea! Sarah says: (11:04:17 PM) Oh go ahead, hehe RJ says: (11:04:20 PM) Smart kid RJ says: (11:04:22 PM) <_< RJ says: (11:04:26 PM) =P Sarah says: (11:04:34 PM) well you can do that then Sarah says: (11:04:34 PM) hehe RJ says: (11:04:53 PM) I got it! Nanananananana!!! RJ says: (11:04:55 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:04:56 PM) hahhaa Sarah says: (11:04:59 PM) okay tell me what you think Sarah says: (11:05:14 PM) it's not perfect though, it's kinda... well I breathed into the mic RJ says: (11:05:18 PM) VADER! RJ says: (11:05:19 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:05:21 PM) lol RJ says: (11:05:36 PM) The voice itself though Sarah says: (11:05:37 PM) okay what do you think? RJ says: (11:05:38 PM) ;O RJ says: (11:05:42 PM) :D Sarah says: (11:05:59 PM) what do you think of my attempt at a seductive voice? :P RJ says: (11:06:06 PM) Well RJ says: (11:06:23 PM) Hmmm RJ says: (11:06:28 PM) gosh RJ says: (11:06:31 PM) *plays again* RJ says: (11:06:56 PM) =X Sarah says: (11:07:04 PM) what does that mean? RJ says: (11:07:05 PM) Sounds like you're dying Sarah says: (11:07:06 PM) LOl RJ says: (11:07:07 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:07:11 PM) oh gawd HK says: (11:07:11 PM) LOL Sarah says: (11:07:14 PM) DON'T UPLOAD IT HK says: (11:07:17 PM) YES DO IT RJ says: (11:07:18 PM) *uploads* HK says: (11:07:18 PM) DO IT Sarah says: (11:07:20 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:07:24 PM) Anything for the droid Sarah says: (11:07:28 PM) hahaha HK says: (11:07:34 PM) She's dying so she makes one last attempt at Niat's lips...:P Sarah says: (11:07:39 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:08:16 PM) I think the breathing is what puts me off RJ says: (11:08:19 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:08:20 PM) LOL HK says: (11:08:24 PM) Hmmm...I wonder if I should even take the risk of listening to Beyonce whenever I get to listen to this...:P RJ says: (11:08:28 PM) now if it were in person, it'd probably be awsome RJ says: (11:08:30 PM) =P RJ says: (11:08:40 PM) Except I'm not Nait Sarah says: (11:08:43 PM) maybe I should give it another try, I dunno :P RJ says: (11:08:44 PM) and I dont have any sigar RJ says: (11:08:47 PM) sugar* RJ says: (11:08:48 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:08:50 PM) Just curious.... Sarah says: (11:08:55 PM) is there anything else I can try saying? :P RJ says: (11:08:57 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/179859785a366f78/ Sarah says: (11:09:00 PM) I'll try not to breaht into the mic this time Sarah says: (11:09:04 PM) I AM NOT GOING TO CLICK THAT RJ says: (11:09:07 PM) Oh RJ..... nvm forget it RJ says: (11:09:10 PM) XD RJ says: (11:09:11 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:09:13 PM) oh gosh :P Sarah says: (11:09:17 PM) Myabe.... Auron says: (11:09:20 PM) what'd I miss? Auron says: (11:09:21 PM) :P Sarah says: (11:09:23 PM) I could try doing a goofy voice HK says: (11:09:25 PM) HOLY COW Sarah says: (11:09:26 PM) I.... Sarah says: (11:09:28 PM) TALKED FOR ERIN HK says: (11:09:29 PM) TIME TO DIE SARAH Sarah says: (11:09:32 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:09:33 PM) LOL Sarah says: (11:09:38 PM) click the link, Abby Sarah says: (11:09:42 PM) that is my sudective voice :P HK says: (11:09:50 PM) *comes rushing to Sarah's house with blazing guns in hands* Sarah says: (11:09:54 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:09:59 PM) Lol Sarah says: (11:10:01 PM) Okay I'm gonna try something else Sarah says: (11:10:02 PM) brb Auron says: (11:10:03 PM) OMG RJ says: (11:10:19 PM) HK stars in the new John Woo film...... Stranglehold RJ says: (11:10:22 PM) XD RJ says: (11:10:32 PM) based off the best selling game Auron says: (11:10:33 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:10:34 PM) XD RJ says: (11:10:34 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:10:41 PM) Abby what do you think? hehe Sarah says: (11:10:49 PM) of my ERIN VOICE Auron says: (11:10:57 PM) y'know, at FIRST I thought it was RJ, because it was hosted on zSHARE Sarah says: (11:11:01 PM) hahaha Auron says: (11:11:06 PM) And my eyes went wide RJ says: (11:11:06 PM) ....fuck RJ says: (11:11:07 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:11:08 PM) so what do you think? hehhee Auron says: (11:11:12 PM) But then I realized it Auron says: (11:11:15 PM) And... RJ says: (11:11:16 PM) lmao Auron says: (11:11:24 PM) You said Nait wrong :P Sarah says: (11:11:28 PM) I did? Auron says: (11:11:28 PM) It's 'Niat' Auron says: (11:11:31 PM) Nee-at Sarah says: (11:11:32 PM) OOOPS Sarah says: (11:11:36 PM) HAHAHAH Auron says: (11:11:44 PM) Erin mispronounces EVERYBODY'S names Sarah says: (11:11:49 PM) hehhee RJ says: (11:11:53 PM) Well, Sarah did good there RJ says: (11:11:54 PM) =P Auron says: (11:11:55 PM) Juicekia Sarah says: (11:11:55 PM) okay brb I'm gonna record again RJ says: (11:11:56 PM) XD Auron says: (11:11:57 PM) Scoot Auron says: (11:12:03 PM) Lue Auron says: (11:12:10 PM) Noas HK says: (11:12:10 PM) "Leeo" HK says: (11:12:11 PM) :P RJ says: (11:12:12 PM) Sales Auron says: (11:12:13 PM) etc Auron says: (11:12:15 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:12:15 PM) XD HK says: (11:12:33 PM) Ahh, such a crazy character Erin is HK says: (11:12:34 PM) :P Sarah says: (11:12:41 PM) Okay I tried to do a guy voice Sarah says: (11:12:42 PM) .... HK says: (11:12:47 PM) O.O RJ says: (11:12:48 PM) Erin: "HI SALES!!!"
Selas: "......" RJ says: (11:12:53 PM) =P RJ says: (11:13:03 PM) *Selas pulls out saber* RJ says: (11:13:08 PM) etc RJ says: (11:13:09 PM) :p RJ says: (11:13:13 PM) whoa Sarah says: (11:13:14 PM) My "guy voice" sucks RJ says: (11:13:15 PM) guy voice RJ says: (11:13:18 PM) XD HK says: (11:13:24 PM) Erin: "Ooooh, Sales, if Niat dumps me maybe we can go on a date or something..." HK says: (11:13:27 PM) *runs* HK says: (11:13:28 PM) :P RJ says: (11:13:30 PM) wtf Auron says: (11:13:33 PM) *CHOKES* RJ says: (11:13:37 PM) *murdalizes HK* Sarah says: (11:13:45 PM) anyone wanna hear my guy voice? :P RJ says: (11:13:48 PM) sure Sarah says: (11:13:52 PM) nahhh HK says: (11:13:54 PM) Sure Auron says: (11:13:55 PM) Sure :P Sarah says: (11:13:56 PM) I not gonna share Sarah says: (11:13:57 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:13:57 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:13:58 PM) NOW Auron says: (11:13:59 PM) OWEASE? Sarah says: (11:14:00 PM) <.< RJ says: (11:14:00 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:14:02 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:14:03 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:14:04 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:14:05 PM) NOW Sarah says: (11:14:06 PM) hahaha RJ says: (11:14:07 PM) NOW Auron says: (11:14:08 PM) stop!!!! Sarah says: (11:14:09 PM) okay just a sec RJ says: (11:14:12 PM) *stops* Auron says: (11:14:15 PM) phew RJ says: (11:14:15 PM) <_< RJ says: (11:14:24 PM) *gives self cookie* RJ says: (11:14:29 PM) *eats the cookie* Sarah says: (11:14:34 PM) spit that out Sarah says: (11:14:36 PM) you don't desreve it Sarah says: (11:14:37 PM) :P Sarah says: (11:14:38 PM) <.< RJ says: (11:14:39 PM) =/ Auron says: (11:14:40 PM) LOL HK says: (11:14:41 PM) I guess I don't get a cookie for Erin's Sales comment HK says: (11:14:41 PM) :P RJ says: (11:14:46 PM) *gives HK cookie* HK says: (11:14:50 PM) YAY RJ says: (11:15:00 PM) I make special cookies Sarah says: (11:15:02 PM) okay sending guy voice now RJ says: (11:15:05 PM) I call them Charcoal RJ says: (11:15:07 PM) =P HK says: (11:15:12 PM) EWW THIS HAS YOUR SPIT ON IT Sarah says: (11:15:17 PM) LOL HK says: (11:15:17 PM) *throws* RJ says: (11:15:18 PM) WHAT? RJ says: (11:15:20 PM) XD RJ says: (11:15:32 PM) NO SUCH THING RJ says: (11:15:40 PM) My mouth is dry RJ says: (11:15:42 PM) -_- RJ says: (11:15:49 PM) And besides Sarah says: (11:15:55 PM) *gives RJ a water bottle* RJ says: (11:15:56 PM) it wasn't near my mouth RJ says: (11:15:59 PM) ty Auron says: (11:16:01 PM) It's dry because you spit RJ says: (11:16:03 PM) *drinks* Sarah says: (11:16:05 PM) it's full of sand RJ says: (11:16:08 PM) dang you abby Auron says: (11:16:11 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:16:12 PM) wtf RJ says: (11:16:17 PM) *choke* Sarah says: (11:16:31 PM) Okay.... Sarah says: (11:16:35 PM) what do you think of my GUY VOICE? RJ says: (11:16:40 PM) wtf RJ says: (11:16:43 PM) WTF!!!!! RJ says: (11:16:47 PM) OMG HK says: (11:16:52 PM) UPLOAD IT RJ says: (11:16:53 PM) THATS SCARY Sarah says: (11:16:57 PM) LOL HK says: (11:17:27 PM) UPLOAD IT TO ZSHARE RJ says: (11:17:35 PM) AI am RJ says: (11:17:39 PM) I am* RJ says: (11:17:51 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/17986261284e0e38/ Sarah says: (11:17:57 PM) *does not click* RJ says: (11:18:21 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/17986261284e0e38/ RJ says: (11:18:30 PM) I think I added a period to last one RJ says: (11:18:33 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:18:34 PM) heh HK says: (11:18:39 PM) OH MY GOSH HK says: (11:18:41 PM) OH MY HEAVENS RJ says: (11:18:42 PM) typed "Enter" in a hurry Auron says: (11:18:43 PM) That proves EVERYTHING in that OTHER convo we had HK says: (11:18:44 PM) OH MY GOODNESS Sarah says: (11:18:48 PM) What? Sarah says: (11:18:51 PM) proves what? Auron says: (11:19:01 PM) The convo where we confessed Auron says: (11:19:03 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:19:08 PM) hahahaha RJ says: (11:19:10 PM) LOL Auron says: (11:19:11 PM) XD HK says: (11:19:12 PM) SARAH SOUNDS LIKE A GUY... HK says: (11:19:14 PM) WHO'S A WALRUS Auron says: (11:19:17 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:19:18 PM) O_O Auron says: (11:19:24 PM) WALRUSEATER! Sarah says: (11:19:28 PM) lol HK says: (11:19:32 PM) OH MY GOSH IT MAKES SENSE RJ says: (11:19:36 PM) "Walrus walks into bar" HK says: (11:19:37 PM) SHE EATS WALRUS'S AND GETS THEIR VOICES Sarah says: (11:19:41 PM) LOL Auron says: (11:19:43 PM) *SNOT* Lance says: (11:19:44 PM) walruseater???? RJ says: (11:19:45 PM) Hello purty baybay Auron says: (11:19:46 PM) **SNORT* RJ says: (11:19:50 PM) Can i buy you a drink? RJ says: (11:19:52 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:19:53 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:19:54 PM) lmao Sarah says: (11:19:57 PM) oh gawd Sarah says: (11:20:00 PM) oh gawd HK says: (11:20:01 PM) Abby snots, a walrus is seducing Sarah Auron says: (11:20:05 PM) LOL Auron says: (11:20:22 PM) Hey, Sarah, still have my old voice clips? :P Sarah says: (11:20:35 PM) ummm I don't think so Sarah says: (11:20:39 PM) :( RJ says: (11:20:43 PM) =/ Auron says: (11:20:45 PM) ah, well RJ says: (11:20:46 PM) Oh well RJ says: (11:20:49 PM) I heard her and HK didnt Auron says: (11:20:50 PM) I'll record new ones someday RJ says: (11:20:51 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:21:01 PM) HK MUST record his voice too HK says: (11:21:04 PM) No RJ says: (11:21:05 PM) Yes Sarah says: (11:21:06 PM) he MUST request a mic for Christmas RJ says: (11:21:07 PM) YES HK says: (11:21:08 PM) I must remain a mystery RJ says: (11:21:09 PM) YES Sarah says: (11:21:11 PM) NOOOO RJ says: (11:21:12 PM) NO RJ says: (11:21:13 PM) NO HK says: (11:21:14 PM) No one has seen my pic or voice RJ says: (11:21:15 PM) NO Sarah says: (11:21:15 PM) YOU MUST NOT REMAIN A MYSTERY HK says: (11:21:19 PM) :P Sarah says: (11:21:19 PM) Well then Sarah says: (11:21:22 PM) you MUST show us a picture!!! Auron says: (11:21:27 PM) YES!!! RJ says: (11:21:28 PM) Picture now RJ says: (11:21:30 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:31 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:32 PM) NOW Auron says: (11:21:36 PM) DON'T STOP RJ says: (11:21:40 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:41 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:42 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:43 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:44 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:44 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:45 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:46 PM) NOW HK says: (11:21:47 PM) I've seen RJ's pic, I've seen Abby's pic, I've seen Rain's pic, I've seen Sarah's pic, I've seen Mando's pic, Ambika's pic, and so many others RJ says: (11:21:48 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:49 PM) NOW HK says: (11:21:49 PM) But NO ONE RJ says: (11:21:50 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:21:51 PM) NOW HK says: (11:21:52 PM) Shall see my pic RJ says: (11:21:53 PM) NOW HK says: (11:21:54 PM) :P HK says: (11:21:54 PM) For ONE Sarah says: (11:21:56 PM) WHYYYYYYYYYYY HK says: (11:22:03 PM) I haven't had a photo taken of me in a few years HK says: (11:22:04 PM) :P RJ says: (11:22:05 PM) I havent seen Sarahs pic Sarah says: (11:22:11 PM) I am beautiful :P Sarah says: (11:22:13 PM) <.< RJ says: (11:22:14 PM) Sarah, hint hint Sarah says: (11:22:15 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:22:18 PM) gimme pic RJ says: (11:22:21 PM) =D Sarah says: (11:22:21 PM) hahaha Sarah says: (11:22:25 PM) No Sarah says: (11:22:25 PM) :P RJ says: (11:22:27 PM) YES RJ says: (11:22:29 PM) YES RJ says: (11:22:30 PM) NOW Sarah says: (11:22:31 PM) *runs* RJ says: (11:22:33 PM) NOW RJ says: (11:22:35 PM) *chases* Auron says: (11:22:45 PM) Chasing the wrong PERSON RJ says: (11:22:54 PM) *comes to halt* Sarah says: (11:22:55 PM) Welll..... Sarah says: (11:22:56 PM) I could.... Sarah says: (11:22:58 PM) if you do something RJ says: (11:22:59 PM) YES RJ says: (11:23:02 PM) If I do what RJ says: (11:23:03 PM) <_< Sarah says: (11:23:09 PM) the Erin voice saying that line =) Sarah says: (11:23:10 PM) hahahaha RJ says: (11:23:12 PM) No Sarah says: (11:23:15 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:23:16 PM) not till tomorrow HK says: (11:23:17 PM) I don't even have a pic to upload onto my computer of me, so no!:P RJ says: (11:23:19 PM) lol RJ says: (11:23:22 PM) HK RJ says: (11:23:28 PM) I'm going to hunt you down RJ says: (11:23:34 PM) and take pic of you myself RJ says: (11:23:36 PM) =P HK says: (11:23:39 PM) :P RJ says: (11:23:45 PM) Sarah RJ says: (11:23:46 PM) pic RJ says: (11:23:47 PM) now RJ says: (11:23:48 PM) -_- Sarah says: (11:23:50 PM) just a sec RJ says: (11:23:52 PM) ty Auron says: (11:23:54 PM) RJ, I have an idea... Sarah says: (11:23:57 PM) I need to figure out where I put it RJ says: (11:23:58 PM) ? Auron says: (11:24:12 PM) How about we frame HK for 1st degree murder so EVERYBODY ses his picture? RJ says: (11:24:20 PM) YES! RJ says: (11:24:24 PM) Thats a great idea Sarah says: (11:24:25 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:24:26 PM) :D HK says: (11:24:27 PM) O.O Auron says: (11:24:37 PM) He's somewhere in Oklahoma RJ says: (11:24:38 PM) *begins plotting* HK says: (11:24:43 PM) WHO DID I MURDER?! Auron says: (11:24:48 PM) We'll kill his sister HK says: (11:24:52 PM) :-O RJ says: (11:24:54 PM) Ok RJ says: (11:24:58 PM) which one? HK says: (11:25:03 PM) Yes which one? Auron says: (11:25:06 PM) (he has more than one??) Auron says: (11:25:08 PM) j/k HK says: (11:25:10 PM) Uh RJ says: (11:25:11 PM) Yes HK says: (11:25:11 PM) Yes HK says: (11:25:12 PM) :P RJ says: (11:25:13 PM) lol Auron says: (11:25:19 PM) THE FIRST ONE! RJ says: (11:25:20 PM) We could kill em all RJ says: (11:25:21 PM) :D RJ says: (11:25:24 PM) oh ok Auron says: (11:25:26 PM) that's better Auron says: (11:25:31 PM) I'll kill the youngest HK says: (11:25:34 PM) I have about five or six siblings or so all in all:P Sarah says: (11:25:35 PM) Okay, RJ.... Sarah says: (11:25:40 PM) if I give you this pic.... RJ says: (11:25:43 PM) yes Sarah says: (11:25:45 PM) promise you won't show it around to anyone RJ says: (11:25:50 PM) I promise Sarah says: (11:25:53 PM) I am kinda private baout that Sarah says: (11:25:56 PM) plus it has my cousins in it HK says: (11:25:58 PM) (just not all are my mother's and living with us:P) RJ says: (11:26:10 PM) Ok Sarah says: (11:26:53 PM) Okay, how do I look? :P RJ says: (11:27:13 PM) Wut RJ says: (11:27:16 PM) brown hair RJ says: (11:27:17 PM) O_o Sarah says: (11:27:21 PM) what did you think I have? Sarah says: (11:27:22 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:27:25 PM) blonde RJ says: (11:27:26 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:27:27 PM) hahaha Sarah says: (11:27:28 PM) really? RJ says: (11:27:31 PM) Yep Auron says: (11:27:40 PM) When I first met Sarah... Auron says: (11:27:45 PM) I thought she was Mexican Sarah says: (11:27:50 PM) O.O HK says: (11:27:51 PM) LOL!!!! HK says: (11:27:52 PM) You know Auron says: (11:27:56 PM) XD HK says: (11:27:56 PM) When I first joined the JJT HK says: (11:28:04 PM) She changed her avatar to the picture of this girl singing HK says: (11:28:08 PM) I thought that was her HK says: (11:28:09 PM) :P RJ says: (11:28:11 PM) XDD RJ says: (11:28:13 PM) - the d Sarah says: (11:28:14 PM) what avatar was that? HK says: (11:28:26 PM) This girl was leaning into a microphone and singing something Sarah says: (11:28:32 PM) I don't remember that Sarah says: (11:28:47 PM) did the girl have black hair? HK says: (11:29:12 PM) Yeah HK says: (11:29:15 PM) It looked long and flowing Sarah says: (11:29:19 PM) ahhhhh Sarah says: (11:29:23 PM) I think that was Marion Auron says: (11:29:28 PM) HK's got eiditic memory, methinks HK says: (11:29:32 PM) Who? Sarah says: (11:29:38 PM) someone from Indiana Jones HK says: (11:29:44 PM) Ahh Sarah says: (11:29:49 PM) I found a picture of the actress RJ says: (11:29:58 PM) *cant remember her name* RJ says: (11:30:03 PM) From Raiders? Sarah says: (11:30:06 PM) yeah RJ says: (11:30:09 PM) ya Sarah says: (11:30:14 PM) that was her Sarah says: (11:30:24 PM) The onyl reason I had that pic was because of a Raiders RP there HK says: (11:30:55 PM) Ahh I see RJ says: (11:31:46 PM) Someone post my growl RJ says: (11:31:50 PM) it r awesome RJ says: (11:31:51 PM) XD RJ says: (11:31:57 PM) I cant make a new one RJ says: (11:31:59 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:32:25 PM) haha RJ says: (11:32:32 PM) now RJ says: (11:32:34 PM) Abby RJ says: (11:32:35 PM) HK RJ says: (11:32:37 PM) -_- HK says: (11:32:41 PM) ??????? Auron says: (11:33:07 PM) You guys shut up so I can find it. Every time you post it makes it go back to the bottom Auron says: (11:33:12 PM) I'll tell you when to talk Auron says: (11:34:43 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/1798251948f127f9/ Auron says: (11:34:46 PM) There ye go Auron says: (11:34:49 PM) TALK Auron says: (11:34:51 PM) :P RJ says: (11:34:58 PM) lol RJ says: (11:35:26 PM) *talks to self* RJ says: (11:35:31 PM) am i doing it rite? Auron says: (11:35:34 PM) *mumbles* RJ says: (11:35:35 PM) =D RJ says: (11:35:40 PM) lol RJ says: (11:36:41 PM) SLAM! RJ says: (11:36:49 PM) Sorry, door outside RJ says: (11:36:51 PM) <_< Sarah has left the conversation.
RJ says: (11:37:53 PM) must have scared her RJ says: (11:37:54 PM) XD HK says: (11:38:02 PM) LOL:P Sarah has been added to the conversation.
Auron says: (11:43:03 PM) Hello? Lance says: (11:43:11 PM) hello RJ says: (11:43:15 PM) Hiya Sarah says: (11:43:19 PM) hi Sarah says: (11:43:25 PM) sorry if I'm quiet I'm just kinda tired :) Sarah says: (11:43:30 PM) I'll hang out for a while though Auron says: (11:43:37 PM) yay :) RJ says: (11:43:46 PM) http://www.zshare.net/audio/1798251948f127f9/ RJ says: (11:43:51 PM) that'll wake you up Sarah says: (11:43:57 PM) *refuses to click* Sarah says: (11:43:58 PM) >.> Sarah says: (11:43:59 PM) <.< RJ says: (11:44:00 PM) click RJ says: (11:44:01 PM) nao Sarah says: (11:44:02 PM) no Sarah says: (11:44:05 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:44:06 PM) plz RJ says: (11:44:08 PM) :( RJ says: (11:44:13 PM) *is sad* Sarah says: (11:44:16 PM) aww okay RJ says: (11:44:21 PM) [sniff] Sarah says: (11:44:24 PM) hahahha Sarah says: (11:45:07 PM) that's.... interesting Sarah says: (11:45:10 PM) >.> RJ says: (11:45:13 PM) lol RJ says: (11:45:46 PM) I'm out of here RJ says: (11:45:49 PM) see ya HK Sarah says: (11:45:54 PM) awww HK says: (11:45:55 PM) Aww okay RJ says: (11:45:56 PM) See ya Sarah HK says: (11:45:57 PM) Bye Sarah says: (11:45:58 PM) bye bye RJ RJ says: (11:45:59 PM) See ya Abby Auron says: (11:45:59 PM) Cya later ;) Auron says: (11:46:03 PM) Mr Trans Auron says: (11:46:10 PM) *runs* RJ says: (11:46:13 PM) You;re dead Auron says: (11:46:19 PM) :D:D:D:D:D RJ says: (11:46:20 PM) so fucking dead RJ says: (11:46:23 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:46:24 PM) haha Auron says: (11:46:27 PM) *giggles* RJ says: (11:46:36 PM) *evil look* RJ says: (11:46:46 PM) Bye Lance RJ says: (11:46:55 PM) ...... Auron says: (11:47:04 PM) He doesn't talk much. >.> Sarah says: (11:47:10 PM) hehehe RJ says: (11:47:17 PM) silence is golden but by now you should be rich Lance says: (11:47:19 PM) see ya RJ says: (11:47:20 PM) =P RJ says: (11:47:36 PM) night guys Sarah says: (11:47:40 PM) nighty night Auron says: (11:47:43 PM) G'night! Auron says: (11:47:45 PM) :P RJ says: (11:47:46 PM) dont you dare say it Auron says: (11:47:48 PM) r Trans RJ says: (11:47:49 PM) lol RJ says: (11:47:53 PM) a LRKF'A;T89Q39TUW'GJMB0GH Auron says: (11:47:54 PM) *Mr Sarah says: (11:47:56 PM) LOL Auron says: (11:47:57 PM) LOL!!! Sarah says: (11:48:08 PM) RJ says: a LRKF'A;T89Q39TUW'GJMB0GH RJ says: (11:48:09 PM) I'm never doing another voice you you Sarah says: (11:48:12 PM) RJ says: a LRKF'A;T89Q39TUW'GJMB0GH RJ says: (11:48:14 PM) for you* RJ says: (11:48:15 PM) YOU Sarah says: (11:48:16 PM) RJ says: a LRKF'A;T89Q39TUW'GJMB0GH Auron says: (11:48:17 PM) XD RJ says: (11:48:19 PM) UN RJ says: (11:48:23 PM) GRATEFUL RJ says: (11:48:26 PM) BRAT RJ says: (11:48:27 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:48:32 PM) looooolllll RJ says: (11:48:34 PM) and a 42 carat prat HK says: (11:48:38 PM) Bye fool HK says: (11:48:40 PM) :P RJ says: (11:48:41 PM) lol RJ says: (11:48:42 PM) HK RJ says: (11:48:45 PM) Not you too RJ says: (11:48:48 PM) lol Auron says: (11:48:49 PM) Bye dudette Sarah says: (11:48:52 PM) goodnight sweetheart HK says: (11:48:53 PM) I DID NOT CALL YOU A TRANS HK says: (11:48:54 PM) :P Auron says: (11:48:56 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:48:56 PM) OH MY GAWD RJ says: (11:48:59 PM) sd' RJ says: (11:49:00 PM) RF9OJwpfojgpwp RJ says: (11:49:06 PM) THATS IT Auron says: (11:49:12 PM) I'm SOOOO saving this convo RJ says: (11:49:12 PM) I'M FINISHED Sarah says: (11:49:16 PM) OMG Auron says: (11:49:17 PM) LOL Sarah says: (11:49:17 PM) hhahahaha RJ says: (11:49:19 PM) GOOOOOOD NIGHT RJ says: (11:49:21 PM) -_- Sarah says: (11:49:22 PM) GET OUT OF HERE Auron says: (11:49:24 PM) GOODNIGHT! Sarah says: (11:49:25 PM) SCRAM Auron says: (11:49:26 PM) MR TRANS Sarah says: (11:49:27 PM) GO ALREADY Sarah says: (11:49:29 PM) SHOOO Sarah says: (11:49:32 PM) YOU'RE NOT WELCOME ANYMORE RJ says: (11:49:33 PM) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sarah says: (11:49:34 PM) >.> Sarah says: (11:49:35 PM) <.< RJ says: (11:49:37 PM) AAAAAAAAAABBY RJ says: (11:49:41 PM) GAAAAAAAAAH HK says: (11:49:47 PM) GO WALK OUT THE DOOR, JUST TURN AROUDN NOW, CAUSE YOU AIN'T WELCOME ANYMORE Auron says: (11:49:52 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:49:58 PM) Sounds like a song HK says: (11:50:02 PM) YES RJ says: (11:50:02 PM) PEOPLE HK says: (11:50:04 PM) ITS DIANA ROSS RJ says: (11:50:05 PM) JOIN ME Sarah says: (11:50:12 PM) ooo Auron says: (11:50:14 PM) Nah RJ says: (11:50:15 PM) PRAAAAAAAISE THE LAWD! *claps hands* Auron says: (11:50:20 PM) See Bed? Bad idea RJ says: (11:50:21 PM) PRAAAAAAISE THE LAWD HK says: (11:50:24 PM) OH YEAH THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT Auron says: (11:50:28 PM) O.O RJ says: (11:50:33 PM) LOL HK says: (11:50:37 PM) LETS PRAISE GOD WOOHOOO Sarah says: (11:50:39 PM) KUMBAYA, MY LORD, KUMBAYA Sarah says: (11:50:46 PM) SOMEONE'S SLEEPING LORD, KUMBAYA Sarah says: (11:50:52 PM) SOMEONE'S CRYING, LORD, KUMBAYA Sarah says: (11:50:59 PM) SOMEONE'S LAUGHING LORD, KUMBAYA RJ says: (11:51:00 PM) Wake em up Lord RJ says: (11:51:01 PM) XD RJ says: (11:51:11 PM) Ok RJ says: (11:51:15 PM) Houston Auron says: (11:51:16 PM) (mr trans) RJ says: (11:51:20 PM) get a grip on yourself Sarah says: (11:51:24 PM) don't go RJ says: (11:51:25 PM) oh my fucking god RJ says: (11:51:26 PM) XD Sarah says: (11:51:27 PM) stay up the whole night Auron says: (11:51:28 PM) XD RJ says: (11:51:42 PM) Houston, ignore these fools Sarah says: (11:51:48 PM) Can I use my Erin voice to make you stay/ RJ says: (11:51:49 PM) they just want to bring you down Sarah says: (11:51:50 PM) =) RJ says: (11:51:52 PM) No RJ says: (11:51:56 PM) lol Sarah says: (11:51:57 PM) My guy voice? RJ says: (11:52:03 PM) *dies* Sarah says: (11:52:06 PM) <.< Auron says: (11:52:11 PM) TOLD YOU Auron says: (11:52:13 PM) TANS! Auron says: (11:52:17 PM) *TRANS! RJ says: (11:52:26 PM) .... RJ says: (11:52:31 PM) wtf have i done HK says: (11:52:32 PM) NO NO WE SHOULD USE... RJ says: (11:52:33 PM) lol HK says: (11:52:36 PM) THE NAOS IS HANDSOME CLIP Sarah says: (11:52:39 PM) YAYERS RJ says: (11:52:41 PM) NOOOOOO RJ says: (11:52:44 PM) *sob* Auron says: (11:52:45 PM) I have that saved to my computer RJ says: (11:52:46 PM) LET IT DIE Sarah says: (11:52:49 PM) "Oh man, you're soooooo handsome RJ says: (11:52:50 PM) No HK says: (11:52:54 PM) WE'RE CRAAAAZZZZYYYYYYYY LOOOONIES RJ says: (11:52:59 PM) Yes you are RJ says: (11:53:06 PM) now go listen to Erin Sarah says: (11:53:09 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:53:10 PM) while I go to bed RJ says: (11:53:12 PM) lol Auron says: (11:53:14 PM) Yes WE are Auron says: (11:53:18 PM) G'night, MT RJ says: (11:53:25 PM) Dont HK says: (11:53:25 PM) Bye, RJ HK says: (11:53:27 PM) :P RJ says: (11:53:27 PM) you Sarah says: (11:53:30 PM) byebyebye RJ says: (11:53:31 PM) daare Auron says: (11:53:32 PM) mr trans Sarah says: (11:53:35 PM) ROFL Auron says: (11:53:37 PM) *runs* RJ says: (11:53:39 PM) I kill you, little girl Sarah says: (11:53:41 PM) RJ, get a snack Sarah says: (11:53:42 PM) you're never going to bed Auron says: (11:53:44 PM) you could TRY RJ says: (11:53:57 PM) -_- RJ says: (11:54:06 PM) I haz a gun RJ says: (11:54:11 PM) and an axe in my closet Sarah says: (11:54:17 PM) *yawns and heads out* Auron says: (11:54:19 PM) I has the dogs RJ says: (11:54:20 PM) Lol Sarah has left the conversation.
Auron says: (11:54:25 PM) I has the police RJ says: (11:54:30 PM) Ok ok RJ says: (11:54:34 PM) good night Abby RJ says: (11:54:37 PM) -_- Auron says: (11:54:39 PM) G'night Auron says: (11:54:41 PM) ! Auron says: (11:54:44 PM) mr trans RJ says: (11:54:47 PM) ffs Auron says: (11:54:50 PM) XD RJ says: (11:55:02 PM) bye HK RJ says: (11:55:10 PM) I'll never forgive you for making me do that RJ says: (11:55:12 PM) -_- Auron says: (11:55:16 PM) Wait, IS a trans a ms or mr? RJ says: (11:55:20 PM) You've ruined me Auron says: (11:55:24 PM) LOL RJ says: (11:55:25 PM) OH MY GOD Auron says: (11:55:37 PM) G'ngiht! Auron says: (11:55:38 PM) :P RJ says: (11:55:43 PM) Night HK says: (11:55:46 PM) Bye HK says: (11:55:47 PM) :P Auron says: (11:55:48 PM) Go, before I say it again RJ has left the conversation.
HK says: (11:55:54 PM) LOL Auron says: (11:56:04 PM) Well... Auron says: (11:56:08 PM) That was interesting HK says: (11:56:12 PM) Yes HK says: (11:56:29 PM) This was the most interesting convo since GW |
posted by Ashton @ 11:57 PM |
Hey, I'm part of an organization name GZR that host Anime and Video Game Conventions, Tournaments, Contest, Interviews and Reviews, and more events. We are currently looking for feedback and people who share a common interest in either anime or video games (if not both). Part of our feedback is finding out from the gamers which games they play? Also if they've ever played competitively for any game, and if so, which games? And last, what makes you like the games that you like (you can be as detailed as you want in your description)? Thank you so much for reading this and we hope to hear a response from you soon.
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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Hey, I'm part of an organization name GZR that host Anime and Video Game Conventions, Tournaments, Contest, Interviews and Reviews, and more events. We are currently looking for feedback and people who share a common interest in either anime or video games (if not both). Part of our feedback is finding out from the gamers which games they play? Also if they've ever played competitively for any game, and if so, which games? And last, what makes you like the games that you like (you can be as detailed as you want in your description)? Thank you so much for reading this and we hope to hear a response from you soon.