Time to kill - A poem
Here’s something you may agree,
That it takes more than a threat to make you see.
Is this a wake-up call for me?
A way for me to just be?

They may not want to repent for what they’ve done,
The pain they’ve brought to daughter, and son,
But if you point this out so they can see the light,
Will they do what is right?

There will always remain feelings I can’t erase,
The drive for survival, the ashen look on my face.
My actions will mean nothing remains the same,
Because maybe, for once, I am to blame.

I let them get to me and make me squirm,
Let them tie me to the stake and watch me burn.
Oh, I don’t want to hear your point of view,
Because I’m not the only one angry, too.

I can feel the fire racing through my veins,
Maybe just another side effect of these growing pains.
I have never been in fear for my life,
But she’s the one putting me through all this strife.

I did nothing to her besides trip her boyfriend,
Who wasn’t exactly a Godsend.
Who is she to wail on me now?
Lady, look, I’m not the one having a damn COW.

My other best friend will get a kick out of this,
And I can’t imagine her ever getting back in my good books after this.
I loved her like a sister,
And now I can’t believe her mother ever kissed her.

Ky, what did I do to you, huh?
Do you think I’ll just slap my head and say, duh?
Please, kid, gimme a break!
For all our sakes.

I want my life to be normal,
But everybody else is getting so hormonal.
Please, God, I’m afraid to go to school,
Put under the pressures to be hot and cool.

But I have no control over that,
Unless I knock myself out with a baseball bat.
My friends say I shouldn’t worry,
That I don’t have to grow up in such a hurry.

I firmly disagree on their assessment.
My childhood has a big DENT.
This popular cliques make me sick,
Make me feel like a dumb halfwit.

Hell, it’s not even the second day of school yet,
And my social life already has an experation date set.
Ky is being a bitch,
That little conceited little snitch.

I hope to God things work out,
Because I hate making my friends see me pout.
I don’t want a bodyguard,
I don’t want to make things hard.

When the time comes I will be ready and strong,
Like the famous King Kong.
If they push me, I will fight back,
And drag them home in a flour sack.
posted by Ashton @ 10:21 PM  
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Name: Ashton
About Me: I'm a geeky person at the bottom of the food chain. I love writing a lot, and I hope to get a book published one day. I RP, I play games, look up music videos, play with my dogs, etc. Photoshop is fun, too. ^^
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